Culinary magazine about tasty and healthy food

Three Ways To Make A Fricassee
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Three Ways To Make A Fricassee

Fricassee is a type of béchamel-like sauce to which beaten egg yolks are added. It is mostly used for pouring over cooked or fried meat, but in Bulgaria it is the most common. In order to be able to diversify every time you get tired of chicken with fricassee, you can try the following three options for its preparation:

Do You Want A Tender Fish Fillet? Look Here
What to cook

Do You Want A Tender Fish Fillet? Look Here

Fish products have their own specific taste and aroma. This separates them into a separate culinary group. One of the easiest and most beloved parts to cook is fish fillet . It is easily tasty, has no bones and does not even have the typical strong aroma inherent in other fish products.

Light Sauces For Spaghetti
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Light Sauces For Spaghetti

Delicious and light is the spaghetti sauce with tomatoes, which has a rich taste and is not too greasy. In a deep frying pan, heat two tablespoons of olive oil, add red pepper, finely chopped, and finely chopped onion. Stew until soft and add two finely chopped garlic cloves, four mashed tomatoes and 200 milliliters of chicken broth.

Italian Spaghetti Sauces
What to cook

Italian Spaghetti Sauces

The sauce that is served with the spaghetti should not be too thick. One of the classics Italian sauces for spaghetti is cream. It is easy to prepare and is added directly to the pot in which the spaghetti was cooked. They are very tasty and with pesto sauce.

Three Easy Recipes With Peaches That Will Make You Look Like A Professional Chef
What to cook

Three Easy Recipes With Peaches That Will Make You Look Like A Professional Chef

Peaches are extremely tasty and fragrant fruits that have a worthy place in cooking. Here are three easy recipes with peaches that will help you look in the eyes of the surrounding chef. Inverted cake Necessary products: 12 tbsp. butter at room temperature, 2 eggs, 1 tsp flour, 1 tsp.

Forget About Spaghetti And Pasta - Try This Italian Pasta

Forget About Spaghetti And Pasta - Try This Italian Pasta

Italian cuisine is one of the most widespread throughout the world. Italians are known for their pasta, their amazing pizzas and sumptuous desserts. Each of us loves spaghetti, but they are a small part of the types of pasta that exist and the delicacies that can be prepared with them.

Bulgarian And Romanian Students Will Cook Together In Ruse

Bulgarian And Romanian Students Will Cook Together In Ruse

A project called Culinary Traditions and Innovation has started in Ruse. It will be implemented by Ivan P. Pavlov Vocational School of Tourism in partnership with Stefan Banulexu Technical High School in Calarasi, Romania. The project focuses on building a sustainable international partnership in the field of education and on turning Ruse into a significant cultural center in the Danube region internationally.

Read This Before You Start Cooking Meat
Culinary Tips

Read This Before You Start Cooking Meat

Meat - this valuable gift from the animal kingdom, which we receive from both domestic and wild animals, plays a predominant role in the kitchen. Its chemical composition: water, proteins or proteins, fats, salts, carbohydrates, lactic acids and extracts, make it a structuring element in the diet.

If You Still Don't Hit The Salt In The Pot, Read This
Culinary Tips

If You Still Don't Hit The Salt In The Pot, Read This

In order to dissolve the salt and to taste the products properly, they are salted at a certain time from their preparation. This time is different for different products, namely: - The meat broth is salted when it is completely ready, and the fish - at the beginning of cooking;

Foods To Drive Away Appetite
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Foods To Drive Away Appetite

Fighting appetite is sometimes relentless, and the more food you eat, the more hunger you feel. Every second person struggles with being overweight, but there is hope. There are foods and spices that help fight excess weight. They create a feeling of satiety for a long time and at the same time are low in calories.

The Spices That Heal

The Spices That Heal

Cinnamon Cinnamon is a favorite of confectionery, but in small quantities it is an ideal spice for meat dishes, as well as a great finish to coffee drinks. Among the beneficial properties of cinnamon are its ability to invigorate, tone and strengthen the immune system.

Distraction During Meals Increases Appetite

Distraction During Meals Increases Appetite

Distraction during meals can significantly increase appetite, experts warn. A new study suggests that watching TV or playing a smartphone can be very dangerous for the figure. The study was conducted by scientists from the University of Birmingham and was quoted in the Daily Mail.

Foods To Suppress Appetite
Nutrition and Health

Foods To Suppress Appetite

To curb your appetite, you need to start paying attention to your stomach in the morning. It is good to wake up to drink a glass of water - if possible to be warm. If you do this every day, you will not only satisfy your hunger, but you will also improve the condition of your intestines.

Tips For Saving Energy During Cooking
Culinary Tips

Tips For Saving Energy During Cooking

Usually, when the weather starts to cool down, we return to heavier and slower dishes. It is good to think about how to use the appliances with which you cook effectively, so as not to drastically increase your electricity bills. Here are some tips for you:

Pity Your Waist During The Summer Vacation

Pity Your Waist During The Summer Vacation

Summer is the holiday season. And, logically, when he is on vacation and feels carefree, a person often allows himself to relax, to disrupt his diet. Pamper yourself, but be careful not to overdo the following foods in the summer, so as not to harm your figure and your health.

Foods That Make Us Fat Imperceptibly
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Foods That Make Us Fat Imperceptibly

Many of us have found ourselves in the absurd situation of constantly feeling hungry and at the same time gaining extra pounds. The reason for this is that in the busy everyday life people simply do not pay attention to what they eat and this hides a number of risks.

What Makes Us Fatter According To Blood Type

What Makes Us Fatter According To Blood Type

Dali blood type affects our weight ? Is there also certain foods which should we eat according to her? What sport should we focus on based on our blood type? It is these issues that we will address in this article. A number of studies by various scientists, biologists and nutritionists from England and the United States prove that our blood type affects our weight.

Small Sweets For Every Occasion
What to cook

Small Sweets For Every Occasion

Instead of being terrified of what to treat yourself to every time guests come, always have a batch of delicious little cakes suitable for any occasion. Orange sweets Necessary products: 125 g soft butter, 1 tsp. brown sugar, ½

We Gain 2 Kg Around The Holidays
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We Gain 2 Kg Around The Holidays

Winter and the approaching Christmas holidays predispose a person to overeat and gain weight, and data from a recent study show that these pounds are lost only after 4 months. According to the same study, each person will gain an average of 2 pounds around the Christmas and New Year holidays, because they will take 2 times more calories than necessary.

Misconceptions About Chocolate
Festive Table

Misconceptions About Chocolate

Chocolate when we are happy, chocolate when we are unhappy, chocolate on birthday, chocolate when we break up with boyfriend, chocolate when we are on a diet. We can find hundreds of excuses to reach for the temptation of cocoa. The benefits and harms of consuming chocolate are constantly being written about, but have you actually thought that some of them are probably myth ?

Symbolism Of The Easter Table
Festive Table

Symbolism Of The Easter Table

The Feast of the Bright Resurrection of Christ, also known as Easter, is the main event of the year for Orthodox Christians around the world. The word "Passover" comes from the Greek language and means "deliverance." On this day we celebrate our deliverance through Jesus Christ and the gift we have received - life and eternal bliss.

Ideas For Table Decoration
Culinary Tips

Ideas For Table Decoration

No holiday is complete without decorating the dining table, without decoration it will not be solemn enough. The beautifully decorated table creates a pleasant and joyful atmosphere and will enchant the guests, it is pleasant for the usual friendly gathering, and even for Sunday lunch with the family.

What Happens In The Body When You Drink Coffee?

What Happens In The Body When You Drink Coffee?

The coffee ranks first among the world's favorite drinks. The morning glass with aromatic liquid is a ritual known to people all over the world. Lovers of enchanting taste do not forget to start their day with their favorite invigorating cup of coffee, and many of them are not satisfied with just the obligatory morning dose.

That's Why Drunken Hunger Makes You Overeat
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That's Why Drunken Hunger Makes You Overeat

If you can't end the night of indulging in large amounts of alcohol without attacking the fridge in search of some pasta or a visit to the nearby non-stop for some crunchy junk food, you can find solace in the fact that there is a scientific explanation for your behavior.

What Happens To Our Body After A Glass Of Alcohol?
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What Happens To Our Body After A Glass Of Alcohol?

The maximum safe use of alcohol is up to 14 doses per week, scientists are adamant. These are, for example, 6 medium-sized glasses of wine. But even then, alcohol is toxic. What happens to our body after a glass of alcohol The ingredient in it that causes the most problems is ethanol.

Cleanse Your Body With Honey Water
Nutrition and Health

Cleanse Your Body With Honey Water

Everyone knows how useful honey is, but for the benefit of honey water it is not known who knows how many. It has been used since ancient times to treat various diseases and to beautify women, as well as a delicious drink on the table. To make honey water, we need to dissolve one teaspoon in one teaspoon of water.

That Is Why You Should Drink Coffee With Salt Instead Of Sugar
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That Is Why You Should Drink Coffee With Salt Instead Of Sugar

Coffee lovers are creative by nature. From soy coffee, through latte to normal espresso, they always find an innovative and interesting way to incorporate caffeine into their daily lifestyle. The latest novelty as a trend is that instead of sugar, coffee is flavored with salt, and the idea is that this way it tastes better.

Fake Easter Cakes Will Flood The Markets Before Easter
Culinary News

Fake Easter Cakes Will Flood The Markets Before Easter

Native bakers warn Bulgarian consumers that for this Easter the markets may be full of fake Easter cakes that are not made from traditional products. The industry informs that the fake Easter cakes can be recognized by the very low prices at which they are offered.

How To Taste It During Lent
Culinary Tips

How To Taste It During Lent

Easter fasts are a real torture for people who want to observe them, but constantly think about the delicacies they are forced to deprive themselves of. The main mistake is to eat the way you are used to before fasting, by simply excluding meat and animal products from your menu.

Delicious Ideas For A Quick And Lean Dinner
What to cook

Delicious Ideas For A Quick And Lean Dinner

Light lean meals are for those who fast and for lovers of delicious and healthy food. Lean meals do not mean a monotonous diet, just the ingredients must be combined in different ways. risotto with mushrooms Ingredients: 300 grams of fresh or frozen mushrooms, 2 cups rice, 2 carrots, 2 onions, 5 cloves garlic, risotto spices, oil, salt and pepper to taste.

Salt Also Kills The Brain
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Salt Also Kills The Brain

The large amount of salt is harmful not only to the heart but also to the brain. The greatest danger is for the elderly, who do not move enough and whose food contains a lot of salt. Because of it, they lose their mental capabilities faster than others.

Useful Milk Porridges For Young And Old
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Useful Milk Porridges For Young And Old

If we talk about dairy cuisine, we need to learn how to prepare and milk porridge , which are especially necessary and useful for young children and older people. In addition, most milk porridges are recommended for patients suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, stomach, kidneys, liver and others.

How To Facilitate The Digestion Of Heavy Food
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How To Facilitate The Digestion Of Heavy Food

Do you remember that unpleasant feeling of regret that appears as soon as you are over-consumption of a favorite food ? Well, it happened to all of us. It is definitely very nice to enjoy the dishes we love, but the consequences of overeating can be terrible.

Healthy Foods That Take Care Of Eyesight
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Healthy Foods That Take Care Of Eyesight

Healthy eating is an important step in good health. Not everyone thinks, but the eyes also need special care, carried out through food. How to navigate which foods are good for eyesight ? Quite easy to guess - by their bright color. Deep green, sunny yellow, bright red or orange - brightly colored fruits and vegetables are not just a delight for the eye, but also a health benefit for eyesight.

Carving Turns Food Into Art

Carving Turns Food Into Art

If you're one of those people who mostly likes to eat food instead of cooking it, you've hardly heard the term carving. However, every master chef in the world knows very well what is behind this word. Carving is an art, a teaching that turns ordinary and otherwise boring food into masterpieces.

We Age More Slowly If We Eat Salmon
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We Age More Slowly If We Eat Salmon

Aging is an inevitable process, but with the help of five products that contain invaluable substances, this process can be delayed for years, say American scientists. Here are the most important products that preserve youth - not only the external but also the organs:

Recipes From Folk Medicine For Anemia
Nutrition and Health

Recipes From Folk Medicine For Anemia

With the medical term anemia indicates a lack of red blood cells and hemoglobin in them, and this condition impedes the transfer of oxygen to other organs and tissues in the body. Anemia itself is a condition that is too dangerous because it is the result of some underlying disease or cause that causes significant blood loss.

5 Recipes That Boost Immunity And Protect You From Colds
Nutrition and Health

5 Recipes That Boost Immunity And Protect You From Colds

Neither people nor any food can guarantee you perfect health. It happens that you sneeze, have a fever or get the flu all year round. Especially when the seasons change from summer to winter and vice versa, there are peaks of colds. This is also the time when you need to do everything possible to stay healthy.

Recipes With Thunder From Folk Medicine
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Recipes With Thunder From Folk Medicine

Thunder has an anti-inflammatory effect. The herb is often used for prostatitis, urinary problems, kidney stones, gout, rheumatism, white flow, bile problems, hemorrhoids. It is also believed that the herb can help fight cellulite. It is also widely used in the fight against weight gain - you can drink the infusion only from thunder or in combination with other herbs.

Pumpkin And Its Priceless Qualities
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Pumpkin And Its Priceless Qualities

Pumpkins are perennials of the Cucurbitaceae family. It has been used as a food product since the distant past. Archaeological research shows that the pumpkin was eaten 3,000 years ago, and perhaps 5,000 years ago. Pumpkin seeds were found in the tombs of Peruvian Indians, and the inhabitants of ancient Greece and Rome stored various liquids in a dried pumpkin.

Celebrate Halloween With Useful Treats
Culinary Tips

Celebrate Halloween With Useful Treats

Many parents worry about their children's health as Halloween approaches because they realize that after that day they will have a supply of treats for at least a month ahead. However, the important thing is to raise your child yourself, so that he does not sell his numbers for ordinary sweets, but only for those that, apart from being beautiful, are not harmful.

How To Crack Popcorn
Culinary Tips

How To Crack Popcorn

Each of us is familiar with such convenient packets of popcorn, designed for a microwave oven. However, there is nothing more exciting and enjoyable, and also extremely tasty, to crack popcorn ourselves. Popcorn can be cracked in a pan, after which we can flavor them with whatever we want.

Popcorn Is The Cause Of Bronchitis
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Popcorn Is The Cause Of Bronchitis

If you are a serious fan of popcorn, it would not be bad to limit their consumption a bit, because recent research suggests that they can be a serious threat to your health. According to experts, the chemical compound diacetyl, which is contained in popcorn, is quite dangerous for the lungs and can lead to unpleasant diseases such as bronchitis.

Carbonated Drinks Cause A Heart Attack
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Carbonated Drinks Cause A Heart Attack

Excessive sugar consumption significantly increases the risk of heart disease, say British experts. According to a recent study, there is a direct link between excessive sugar consumption, which is contained in carbonated beverages, as well as in processed foods, and deaths caused by heart disease.

Carbonated Drinks Damage The Kidneys
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Carbonated Drinks Damage The Kidneys

Data from American and Japanese scientists have shown that the consumption of even small amounts of carbonated beverages can have a negative effect on the kidneys. Ryaohei Yamamoto of the Faculty of Medicine at Osaka University and his colleagues conducted a study involving nearly 8,000 volunteers.

How To Make Homemade Nectar
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How To Make Homemade Nectar

There is hardly a person who does not remember the fragrant and sweet taste of the real nectars that our mothers and grandmothers prepared for us. What we buy in stores today and which is labeled as nectar , really continues to be enjoyed, but it is not really known what exactly we consume and how much it is good for our health.

Carbonated Drinks Lead To Arrhythmia
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Carbonated Drinks Lead To Arrhythmia

Researchers say that consuming large amounts of carbonated beverages can lead to arrhythmias and seizures. They came to this conclusion at the annual conference of the European Society of Cardiology because of the case of a 31-year-old woman.

Sweetened Products Lead To Weight Gain And Depression

Sweetened Products Lead To Weight Gain And Depression

It is no coincidence that in recent years so much has been said against products that are sugar-free but still enviably sweet. You can guess that they are full of artificial sweeteners, enhancers and preservatives, etc. Experts are alarmed that products such as Cola Light, Pepsi Light, sugar-free chewing gum, as well as most products that say they are sugar-free or with sweeteners, can cause enormous damage to health.

Carbonated Drinks Make Us Overeat
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Carbonated Drinks Make Us Overeat

The problem of obesity in children and adults often lies not only in overeating, but also in overdosing on carbonated beverages. They are a nice addition to any meal and are a favorite of many people. More than eighty percent of children and more than fifty percent of adults in active age drink at least one carbonated beverage a day.

Carbonated Drinks Form Kidney Stones
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Carbonated Drinks Form Kidney Stones

Another time we wrote that carbonated drinks are harmful to health. They have been a product on the world market for decades. In some countries, even this type of drink is part of the national cuisine. The producers continue to claim that the carbonated drink is useful because it contains 90% water - the main source of life - and sugars, which are also found in nature.