Culinary magazine about tasty and healthy food

Let's Make Our Own Rice Milk
Culinary Tips

Let's Make Our Own Rice Milk

Rice milk is extremely beneficial to health. However, it is not such a popular product and is consumed mainly by vegetarians and people with lactose intolerance. It is a food rich in vitamins and minerals. Helps lower [bad cholesterol], supports the heart, strengthens the immune system and can even serve as an exfoliant for the skin.

Let's Make Our Own Beef And Chicken Broth
What to cook

Let's Make Our Own Beef And Chicken Broth

The preparation of broth is among the easiest household chores. In addition to taking almost no time, broths are extremely beneficial to our health. Here are tips on how to make chicken or beef broth: Plain chicken broth Necessary products:

How To Make Your Own Sprouts From Legumes?
Yard and Garden

How To Make Your Own Sprouts From Legumes?

Bean sprouts are a very appetizing and nutritious addition to various salads and fried dishes. Regular consumption provides the body with significant amounts of vitamin C and B vitamins / mainly folic acid / The most widespread in the commercial network are soybean sprouts.

How To Make The Perfect Cheesecake
Culinary Tips

How To Make The Perfect Cheesecake

Cheesecake is an extremely tasty dessert and, contrary to most opinions, it is prepared very quickly and easily. You can make it with cocoa or plain biscuits, and there are also recipes with milk, cottage cheese, cream cheese, ones that are baked or do not need an oven.

Foods, Drinks


Cognac is an alcoholic beverage and more precisely a type of brandy. The drink, which many consider extremely sophisticated, is named after the French city of Cognac. The favorite alcoholic beverage of both ladies and gentlemen must be made from grapes from this area in order to be qualified as cognac.

Foods, Drinks


The rum (rum) is a distilled alcoholic beverage that is among the favorite drinks of many people around the world. It is prepared from pieces of sugar cane as well as cane syrup. Fermentation and distillation play a key role in the production of the drink.

Foods, Drinks


Brandy (Brandy) is a collective name for alcoholic beverages that are obtained by distilling wine or fermented juice from other fruits - apricots, cherries, pears and others. Thus, different types of brandy fruits are obtained, and the corresponding fruits for their production must be distilled during the production process.

How To Prepare The Perfect Fondant
Culinary Tips

How To Prepare The Perfect Fondant

The preparation of fondant it has always bothered most housewives and they are often in a hurry to buy a ready-made mixture from the shops. This is also a good option, but everyone knows that there is nothing better than homemade glazes. Before we learn how to quickly and easily prepare fondant at home, let's first clarify what it is.

How To Make Perfect Tea According To Experts
Culinary Tips

How To Make Perfect Tea According To Experts

While many smart books teach us that work made ape a man, some people are of the principle that we value our lives best during the holidays, and since there are so many weekdays, there should be the same number of holidays. At least that's how we can judge by the fact that almost every day of the year is a celebration of something.

How To Make The Perfect Egg Custard
Culinary Tips

How To Make The Perfect Egg Custard

Egg cream is essential in making cream desserts, and is known as patisserie cream or confectionery cream. It is prepared with the addition of starch or flour and is ideal for filling cakes. This cream can be flavored with vanilla, coffee, chocolate, almonds, caramel, rum or orange.

Grapefruit Is Perfect For Salads
What to cook

Grapefruit Is Perfect For Salads

Grapefruit is undeservedly ignored by salad lovers, according to Italian nutritionists. This fruit goes perfectly with different types of lean meat and is perfect for salads. Of course, it is also used to make fruit salads, but its taste gives sophistication to appetizers and salads.

Quick Workshop: How To Make Perfect Dough At Home
Culinary Tips

Quick Workshop: How To Make Perfect Dough At Home

Tired of buying tasteless yeast dough from the store? Want to cook it yourself in your kitchen? Often kneading a nice dough is a really difficult task for many housewives. You can be the perfect cook, but the task of baking cakes, pizzas, pies from home-made yeast dough still remains unsolvable:

Culinary Textbook: How To Make Perfect Sour?
Culinary Tips

Culinary Textbook: How To Make Perfect Sour?

Sour are a light, tasty and aromatic dessert, and many of them are high in vitamins, fruit sugar and fruit acids. They are prepared from fresh or dried fruits, as well as from fruit syrups, compotes, jams and extracts. They also contain sugar, potato and corn starch, tartaric or citric acid.

How Not To Smell Of Garlic And Onions
Culinary Tips

How Not To Smell Of Garlic And Onions

If you like to add fresh onions and garlic to your diet, this will provide you with a good immune system, but it can play a bad joke on you with bad breath, which can startle some people. Instead of chewing gum and wondering what to do to get rid of this horrible odor in your mouth, just drink a glass of milk.

Perfect Frying Products
Culinary Tips

Perfect Frying Products

Products or semi-finished products intended for frying are salted before the moment of frying. An exception is made for fish. It is left to stand with the salt for 10-15 minutes. The products must always be placed in well-heated fat. In this way, the proteins from their surface layer are crossed in a very short time and prevent the juice of the product from passing into the fat.

Top Tips For Perfect Pancakes
Culinary Tips

Top Tips For Perfect Pancakes

Perfect pancakes , baked to golden brown, with a soft core and served with your favorite jam or chocolate are the dream breakfast and dessert for many. But how to make them? 1. The dough for pancakes • Prepare all ingredients at room temperature;

From The Natural Pharmacy - 5 Teas With Expectorant Action
Nutrition and Health

From The Natural Pharmacy - 5 Teas With Expectorant Action

Sputum is formed as a result of viral infections of the upper respiratory tract. This is mucus that collects in the tracheal tube of the lungs. With the onset of winter, the air microbes increase, leading to the formation of sputum. These germs often cause flu, colds and infections.

Magic Recipes For Cough
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Magic Recipes For Cough

In the season of flu and colds, here are a few magic recipes for cough that will benefit you. 1. Spread cabbage leaves with a mixture of honey and salt (1: 1). They stick to the chest or back (but not to the heart), and stretch film is placed on the cabbage leaf.

Foods And Herbs With Antibiotic Properties
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Foods And Herbs With Antibiotic Properties

Including foods and herbs with antibiotic properties in your diet can boost your immune system and protect you from some infectious bacteria. Onions and garlic - they are close relatives with antibacterial properties. They have been used to treat many things, from harmless ailments to serious illnesses and inflammations, both internal and external.

Foods With Expectorant Action
Nutrition and Health

Foods With Expectorant Action

The expectorant is most often found in the form of a liquid syrup that loosens the sputum and helps to remove it through the mouth while you cough. In this way, your breasts are cleared of congestion caused by phlegm. There are some foods that have expectorant action as they help remove phlegm from the airways.

Quince Decoctions For Inflammation Of The Upper Respiratory Tract
Nutrition and Health

Quince Decoctions For Inflammation Of The Upper Respiratory Tract

During the autumn-winter period, together with the cooling, they also start respiratory health problems . Of course, there are countless pills, powders, syrups and all kinds of medicines available in pharmacies, even without a prescription.

Lignans - Useful Properties
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Lignans - Useful Properties

Fruits and vegetables contain many useful substances. The most useful of these are polyphenols. Known polyphenols are over 8000. The greatest impact on the body have flavonoids, phenolic acids and lignans . The word lignans comes from the Latin word Lignum, which means wood, wood.

Useful Properties Of Leeks
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Useful Properties Of Leeks

A close relative of onions and garlic, leeks finds its place in many dishes that enrich not only their taste but also their nutritional value. Leek is also a favorite product of the autumn and winter table. It was valued in ancient Egypt.

The Healing Properties Of Medlar
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The Healing Properties Of Medlar

Homeland of medlar is Southwest Asia. It has been cultivated for more than three millennia in the region around the Caspian Sea and northern Iran, and was brought to ancient Greece around 700 BC. Initially, its fruits were used for their healing properties , but not as a delicious food.

Healing Properties Of Latin
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Healing Properties Of Latin

The well-known and much-liked Latin flower is a guest from South and Central America. It is also called Benedict and yellow rose because of the predominant yellow and orange color. This summer decorative flower from the family of angiosperms pleases the eye with its constant flowering until the first frost.

Useful Properties Of Passionflower
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Useful Properties Of Passionflower

Passiflora was once used in America to treat wounds and various bruises and injuries. Today, however, herbalists strongly recommend it as a powerful tonic against stress, nervousness and insomnia. It has also been successfully used on women who are struggling with menopausal symptoms.

Advantages Of Rapeseed Honey
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Advantages Of Rapeseed Honey

Rapeseed is an oil-bearing plant whose pollen is very popular with bees. Usually, if sown in the autumn of the previous year, in May of the current bees begin to collect pollen and rapeseed nectar. Today, most of this honey is produced in Europe and the United Kingdom.

Can Diabetics Consume Honey
Nutrition and Health

Can Diabetics Consume Honey

Diabetes is considered one of the most serious health problems. Some time ago, diabetics were forbidden to consume carbohydrates. Today, it is believed that people with diabetes can eat certain carbohydrates that have a slow release of sugar.

Allergy To Bee Products
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Allergy To Bee Products

The honey is a natural sweetener produced by bees using nectar from flowering plants. Although mostly made of sugar, honey also contains amino acids, vitamins and antioxidants. These ingredients make honey a natural remedy. Is there a allergy to honey and bee products ?

Attention - Honey With GMOs
Culinary News

Attention - Honey With GMOs

For the possibility of the appearance of honey with GMOs alerted the beekeeper Iliya Tsonev, who is a member of the National Scientific Association of Beekeeping. The reason for this alarming statement is the proposal of the European Commission not to be mentioned on the labels of products when the food contains more than 0.

Honey For Every Pain
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Honey For Every Pain

Honey is one of the most effective antioxidants, but only if chosen correctly. We should treat the purchase of honey carefully and seriously, and not reach for the first jar that comes before our eyes. It is no coincidence that real honey is called a miracle of nature.

Pros And Cons Of Candied Honey
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Pros And Cons Of Candied Honey

Very often sellers and even honey producers complain that customers flatly refuse to buy honey that is already candied. It is generally believed that candied honey is harmful. But what is the truth? It is a little known fact that when honey is sugared, it shows that it is really high quality and is a completely useful natural product.

Cooked Honey Is Poison
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Cooked Honey Is Poison

Fossil research shows that bees have been around for at least 150 million years. No one knows when we discovered the treasure hidden in their hives, but the drawings of beekeepers found on the walls of a cave in Spain prove that we have been practicing beekeeping for at least 7,000 years.

Cherry Honey - Properties And Benefits
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Cherry Honey - Properties And Benefits

The cherry belongs to the rose family, and its roots come from Asia Minor. The first harvest dates back to the 4th century BC in the southern parts of Europe. The cherry tree reaches 25 m in height and blooms with beautiful white flowers in the initial phase of spring.

Botulism: Everything We Need To Know About It
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Botulism: Everything We Need To Know About It

/ undefined Clostridium botulinum is one of the most toxic substances they cause botulism , a life-threatening paralytic disease. Clostridium botulinum bacteria produce a toxin that causes respiratory failure by paralyzing the muscles used to breathe.

Banish Diseases With Golden Honey
Nutrition and Health

Banish Diseases With Golden Honey

For the treatment of colds Ayurveda recommends a combination of honey and turmeric. This mixture called golden honey has anti-inflammatory properties, in addition it will increase the body's defenses. Whatever medicine you take, it will certainly have some unpleasant effects on the intestinal microflora - but the mixture of honey and turmeric will not harm you in any way.

Manuka Honey - The Australian Miracle
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Manuka Honey - The Australian Miracle

Not one or two articles are devoted to the beneficial properties of honey. It is an indispensable part of our menu. Its beneficial effect is due to its constituent vitamins from groups A, B, C, K, E, enzymes lipase and invertase, organic acids and many other chemical elements.

How To Recognize Quality Honey?
Culinary Tips

How To Recognize Quality Honey?

If in the middle of winter a trader wants to sell you liquid honey with the guarantee that it is real - do not believe him. The only exceptions are buckwheat and acacia honey, which do not crystallize. Natural honey is liquid only during the first 1-2 months, and then it must crystallize.

Which Foods Are Acidic?
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Which Foods Are Acidic?

The food we eat every day has a direct impact on our health. Foods are divided into acidic and alkaline. This does not mean that every acidic product is an acidic food. For example, lemon is an alkaline food, despite having a sour taste. Increased acidity in the body is mainly caused by acidic foods and products we eat.

Foods, Drinks


The yolk is one of the three main parts of the egg (shell, egg white and yolk). And as we know, eggs are laid by female birds and reptiles. It is so called because of its yellowish color, which is different in different eggs. The size of the yolk also depends on the origin of the egg.

Which Foods Chase The Flu
Nutrition and Health

Which Foods Chase The Flu

Health experts advise to counteract the coming flu and colds by strengthening our immune system by consuming certain foods. It has been proven that if the body suffers from an internal imbalance, this will reduce its resistance and viruses will multiply more easily.

Which Foods Are Allergens
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Which Foods Are Allergens

An allergic reaction is defined when the body reacts hypersensitively to a particular antigen and it is not only recognized by the immune system, but provokes an immune response. Some people get allergic reactions not only from cosmetics, pollen, dust, but also from food.

Which Foods Thicken The Blood?

Which Foods Thicken The Blood?

Increased blood viscosity is a condition also known as thick blood or thick blood . It causes a person a lot of trouble - from drowsiness to thrombosis, heart disease, stroke and more. Blood fluidity depends on many circumstances, and the composition of food is the most important of them.

Which Foods Swell The Stomach
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Which Foods Swell The Stomach

Avoiding certain foods is a great way to reduce bloating. While eating healthy foods and beverages that will help clear excess fluid, reduce water retention, and relieve gas, can reduce bloating. Here are the basic foods that should be avoided so that you do not suffer from bloated stomach.

Which Foods Cure Diabetes
Nutrition and Health

Which Foods Cure Diabetes

People with diabetes constantly hear which foods they should not look at and which they cannot consume. However, there are foods and beverages that can relieve symptoms and even cure the disease. There are actually foods that can help treat type 2 diabetes.

Which Low-calorie Foods Saturate?
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Which Low-calorie Foods Saturate?

Want to keep your waistline without bothering with diets? There is a green light! We will present you low-calorie foods that will charge you with energy and strength throughout the day! We all know that it is "mission impossible"

Which Foods Chase Toxins
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Which Foods Chase Toxins

In winter, our metabolism slows down and toxins accumulate in our body, which makes us feel tired and gloomy during the first warm and sunny days. Food is the best way to fight the toxins that have accumulated in your body. Apples are rich in pectin, which binds to cholesterol and heavy metals in the body, also helps to eliminate and break down toxins in the intestines.

Which Foods Improve Digestion?
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Which Foods Improve Digestion?

According to the advice of experts for improve digestion it is necessary to take more enzymes. The amount and type of enzymes used in digestion depends on the type, type and condition of the food we eat. Some foods, such as naturally ripe pineapples, can actually aid digestion because of the enzymes they contain.

The Baby's First Puree - When, How And What?
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The Baby's First Puree - When, How And What?

Feeding the baby is a significant step forward in its cultivation, as with it the little man enters the eating habits of adults. It is very important that this first step is successful in paving the way for an easy transition to solid foods.

The Hollywood Diet With Baby Puree Is Harmful To Health

The Hollywood Diet With Baby Puree Is Harmful To Health

Ladies, be careful what new and modern diets you go through, because you never know what headaches you can get. The world's fashion icons and Hollywood greats are constantly flooding us with detailed information about their strange diets and "