Culinary magazine about tasty and healthy food

Eat And Do Not Get Sick: Vegetables For High Immunity
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Eat And Do Not Get Sick: Vegetables For High Immunity

Numerous studies done in recent years show that green vegetables strengthen immunity . It is known that our immunity is formed in the intestines. Green vegetables increase the amount of a certain type of very useful protein in the body and then our immune system is working properly .

Lose Weight Permanently Without Starvation With A Russian Diet

Lose Weight Permanently Without Starvation With A Russian Diet

The Russian diet is a complete diet that guarantees excellent and long-lasting results, if strictly followed. The diet itself is not drastic, and from time to time even chocolate and ice cream in small quantities are allowed. How much you will lose depends on your personal weight when you start the diet.

Achieve A Balanced Diet With These Easy Tips
Nutrition and Health

Achieve A Balanced Diet With These Easy Tips

When you eat a variety of foods, but do not exceed the calories you need, you provide your body with enough nutrients. Each group must eat food, which means: - four types of fruit per day; - five types of vegetables per day; - Three types of grains a day;

Permanent Weight Loss And Muscle Building With E-fit

Permanent Weight Loss And Muscle Building With E-fit

We can't get a nice figure with 1-2 exceptions as a gift, but we have to work to get it. But how to take the first step? Our first opportunity is to create the classic energy negative balance, which is achieved in 3 ways. One of them is to reduce energy intake per day and increase energy expenditure through exercise, as well as to combine the two.

Cure The Flu Only With Products From The Kitchen Cabinet
Nutrition and Health

Cure The Flu Only With Products From The Kitchen Cabinet

Products that are in every kitchen cabinet also help to fight the flu. Although the bad weather knocks on the door and the flu lurks around us from every corner, there is an option to fight it only with food from your kitchen cupboard. - Honey and olive oil - 1 tablespoon of honey is mixed with 1 tablespoon of olive oil.

Donkey's Milk Cheese Costs 1000 Euros Per Kilogram

Donkey's Milk Cheese Costs 1000 Euros Per Kilogram

Surprisingly for many, the most expensive cheese in the world is not an exquisite French delicacy, but cheese made from donkey's milk. Donkey cheese has the trade name Pule and costs 1000 euros per kilogram. It is produced in a small dairy in the Zasavica Nature Reserve, Serbia.

What Can You Prepare From Chicory
What to cook

What Can You Prepare From Chicory

Chicory, well known as blue bile, blue milk, burdock, pig, etc., is a perennial herbaceous plant that has delicate flowers and can be found in many places in Bulgaria, mainly in meadows and arable lands. Although the eyes of passers-by are focused mainly on its beautiful colors, which in most cases are colored between blue and pale purple, but can also be white, this plant is also known as an herb that has proven healing properties.

How To Prepare A Superb And Healthy Fruit Salad
Culinary Tips

How To Prepare A Superb And Healthy Fruit Salad

Summer is the time when sunburn, dehydration, loss of appetite, mood swings become almost commonplace. No one likes to go out in the hot sun, sweat profusely and get too tired. Of course, there are always two sides to the coin, and summer also comes with positives that outweigh the negatives.

Are We Full Of Junk Food
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Are We Full Of Junk Food

Foods known as junk food contain high amounts of fat and carbohydrates. They lead to a sudden influx of sugars, the release of hormones that cause a feeling of happiness, make us feel energetic. This effect is rapidly reduced and the body feels hungry to keep blood sugar levels high.

The Leafy Vegetables That Bulgarian Cuisine Still Dislikes

The Leafy Vegetables That Bulgarian Cuisine Still Dislikes

Recently, fresh salads with foreign names: radicchio, lolo rosso, chicory, arugula have been permanently placed on the stands in the local shops. They are increasingly found in recipes for culinary magazines and books. These vegetables bring extra variety to our table.

What To Prepare For Breakfast Quickly And Deliciously (Healthy Recipes)
What to cook

What To Prepare For Breakfast Quickly And Deliciously (Healthy Recipes)

When faced with the question of what to prepare for breakfast fast and tasty , we will be happy to help you. You need to feed your loved ones delicious and healthy breakfast because it gives energy for the whole day. Here are some quick recipes that require a minimum of time, only 10-15 minutes.

3 Things That Happen When You Stop Eating Dairy Products
Nutrition and Health

3 Things That Happen When You Stop Eating Dairy Products

When Dina Cheney goes for her annual checkup, her doctor makes her an offer, which then sounds crazy. He advises her to give up cheese. After a while, Dina noticed a change in her weight. Her blood pressure and cholesterol were normal, and she was able to lose a few pounds.

Foods With Phospholipids For A Healthy Liver And Good Memory
Nutrition and Health

Foods With Phospholipids For A Healthy Liver And Good Memory

For the first time phospholipids were separated in December 1939. Their source is soybeans. The main activity of phospholipids in the body is associated with the restoration of damaged cell structures, as a result of which complete destruction of cells is prevented.

Ten Interesting Facts About Zucchini

Ten Interesting Facts About Zucchini

Zucchini is among the most consumed food not only in Bulgaria but also in the world. They are present in salads, stews, main dishes, casserole, rice dishes. look interesting facts about zucchini ! 1. A legend says that zucchini were given to people by the gods.

Chitosan: The Supplement That Destroys Excess Fat
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Chitosan: The Supplement That Destroys Excess Fat

Chitosan is a supplement derived from the skeletal system of crabs, shrimps and other crustaceans. The supplement acts as a fat blocker and can block the absorption of fat in the digestive system due to its high fiber content. It helps cleanse the digestive tract of waste that can cause bloating.

Japanese Weight Loss Method Lost 28 Kg From The Singer Donnie

Japanese Weight Loss Method Lost 28 Kg From The Singer Donnie

Dobrin Vekilov - Doni , has been fascinated by the East for years. His life, especially in recent years, has been a constant search for himself. It turns out that spiritual practices help the singer to improve both his soul and body. Donnie has discovered a unique Japanese weight loss method that doesn't even have to limit food.

How To Cook Noodles In A Wok?
Culinary Tips

How To Cook Noodles In A Wok?

Wok is a Chinese pan with narrow bases and high steep sides. In addition to vegetables and meat, pasta (pasta) can also be prepared in the wok. Yakisoba is a traditional Japanese specialty that is fried noodles with pork, cabbage and sauce. Here's how to make noodles in a wok in 9 steps:

Not Ready For The Beach? The Best Solution For You Are E-fit EMS Workouts
Foods, Drinks

Not Ready For The Beach? The Best Solution For You Are E-fit EMS Workouts

You don't have time, but you want to look and feel good? There is a way to handle this task very easily. And you don't have to make impossible sacrifices by depriving yourself of time with your family or meeting friends - you can achieve the desired effect in two 20-minute sessions a week, much more effective than fitness - with E-fit EMS training.

Unique Caramel Cream According To The Classic Recipe Of Raymond Blank
What to cook

Unique Caramel Cream According To The Classic Recipe Of Raymond Blank

A wonderful recipe for a French dessert from Raymond Blank (Raymond Blanc). The caramel cream is infused with sweet vanilla pods, served with a rich brown caramel syrup. This should be the French national dessert that is enjoyed in every home, every pub and even in many Michelin-starred restaurants.

Yakitori - Traditional Japanese Chicken Skewers

Yakitori - Traditional Japanese Chicken Skewers

Yakitori - This is the name of the very tasty traditional Japanese dish made from chicken (sometimes together with the inside). Small pieces of chicken are baked on special skewers made of bamboo. They are usually grilled over charcoal.

This Japanese Rice Dessert Will Bring Good Luck And Happiness To Your Home

This Japanese Rice Dessert Will Bring Good Luck And Happiness To Your Home

Mochi is a Japanese rice dessert made from stewed white sticky or brown rice. Mochi itself is a staple food in Japanese cuisine, but it also plays an important ingredient in many Japanese foods such as desserts, soups or main dishes. It can be grilled, baked or fried.

What We Need To Know About Grape Sugar
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What We Need To Know About Grape Sugar

Grapes are among the most useful fruits, especially red grapes. It easily traces almost all chemical groups of substances that can be found in the plant world. Grapes are very rich in potassium, which has a proven beneficial effect on our body.

Grape Brandy And Wine Have Become More Expensive Since Autumn
Culinary News

Grape Brandy And Wine Have Become More Expensive Since Autumn

It is forecasted that from this autumn the grape brandy and wine will become more expensive due to the higher purchase price of the grapes. The news was confirmed by the head of the Vine and Wine Agency Krassimir Koev. From this fall, the bottle of wine will jump by 50 stotinki, and the bottle of grape brandy - by between 1.

26 Weight Loss Tips That Have Been Proven To Work
Nutrition and Health

26 Weight Loss Tips That Have Been Proven To Work

There are millions of tips on how to lose weight, and myths about them - even more. People are often advised to do all sorts of crazy things, most of which have no evidence that they work. However, over the years, scientists have found a number of strategies that seem effective.

Sausages Can Be Useful With Baby Aki
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Sausages Can Be Useful With Baby Aki

In recent years, much has been said about the poor quality and harmful ingredients in salami. Can this practice change? According to microbiologists from the Catalan Institute for Food and Agriculture Research in Girona - it can. According to scientists, in order for salamis to become tastier and more useful, only one thing needs to be added to them - baby aki.

Why Some People Can't Lose Weight

Why Some People Can't Lose Weight

Nowadays, many people want to quit smoking, lose weight and improve their fitness. But this desire quickly disappears after the holidays or the possible reason for change. For unknown reasons, most people have a cultivation fever that lasts no more than two or three weeks and then passes abruptly.

Sausages Do Not Cause Cancer, Our Experts Are Categorical
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Sausages Do Not Cause Cancer, Our Experts Are Categorical

On Monday, the WHO released a new blacklist of foods that cause cancer. Among them are white, red and all processed meats. The agency's data show that they lead to the development of colon cancer and a number of other ailments. According to them, they are as dangerous as cigarettes and alcohol.

Morning Rituals On An Empty Stomach That Will Keep You Weak And Young
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Morning Rituals On An Empty Stomach That Will Keep You Weak And Young

No matter how sleepy you are, it has certainly happened to each of you at least once to wake up before the others and enjoy the magic of a calm morning. Such moments make us think about where we are wrong and how we can improve our lives.

Diet For Pancreatitis

Diet For Pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is a disease that is difficult to treat and at the same time creates many problems for the patient. This is an inflammation of the pancreas. Mild forms of the disease are difficult to detect, and severe ones are even life-threatening.

Get Ready For The Radish Festival

Get Ready For The Radish Festival

Every year on December 23 in the Mexican city of Oaxaca celebrate an unusual festival, which organizes a competition of radish objects - La Fiesta de Los Rabanos. The central square of the city on this day is full of stalls selling only radishes.

Asians Eat Giant Radishes
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Asians Eat Giant Radishes

Most species cabbage , radishes and mustard are grown and found in China and Japan, and only some of them grow in the gardens of America. Most of the names of these vegetables come from antiquity and have been modernized over the years, being grown and cultivated by many peoples.

Cabbage Can Protect Us From Radiation
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Cabbage Can Protect Us From Radiation

American scientists have discovered that cabbage can be a universal remedy to protect us from radiation. In experiments, it turned out that the vegetables of the cruciferous family - cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, protected laboratory mice from lethal doses of radiation.

How Did The Cabbage Roll?
Culinary Tips

How Did The Cabbage Roll?

Autumn in Bulgaria is the season of preparing winter food and canned products for the winter. Everywhere on the streets smells of roasted peppers, cabbage and various greens. The classic in winter for the Bulgarian is sauerkraut . The markets in our country are beginning to overflow with sellers of cabbage and carrots, necessary for the traditional recipe for winter appetizer - sour cabbage .

Diet For Ulcers

Diet For Ulcers

The ulcer can affect both the stomach and the duodenum. The form can be acute or chronic. The main part of her treatment is the right diet. An ulcer is a disease that occurs as a result of another disease. It can also be the result of the simultaneous action of several factors, and hereditary predisposition is essential.

Easter Warning: Do Not Buy Foods With A Long Shelf Life
Culinary News

Easter Warning: Do Not Buy Foods With A Long Shelf Life

Days before Easter, the Food Safety Agency began intensified inspections in stores. Inspectors monitor the quality of lamb, eggs, Easter cakes and all products purchased before the holiday. Experts are adamant that any product that has too long a shelf life should be taken with suspicion.

When Buying Eggs, Watch Out For These Things On The Label

When Buying Eggs, Watch Out For These Things On The Label

In this article I will try to explain to you how to tell if an egg is from free-range hens and how long it can last. According to world nutritionists, the best diet is one that is rich in protein and that excludes fats and sugars. In this regard, the hens help us a lot by laying the amazing product - the egg.

Eat More Sweet Potatoes
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Eat More Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are also found under the name sweet potatoes. They are slightly larger and elongated than our acquaintances and are extremely rich in vitamins and minerals. This makes them very useful for human health, which is why their consumption is becoming more widespread.

5 Unexpected Health Benefits Of Sweet Potatoes
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5 Unexpected Health Benefits Of Sweet Potatoes

Whether you eat them baked or cooked, sweet potatoes are a delicious addition to any meal. This vegetable is very easy to prepare, has a long shelf life and the best part is that it is useful and healthy. They are low in calories One of the wonderful ones benefits of sweet potatoes is that they contain very few calories.

How To Clean The Oven Without Chemicals

How To Clean The Oven Without Chemicals

The biggest problem after cooking a delicacy in the oven is how to clean it. The task is not facilitated by the accumulated fat and tan. With such a problem, many resort to strong artificial preparations. However, they are harmful to both inhalation and our skin.

Vinegar Solution For Disinfecting Vegetables
Culinary Tips

Vinegar Solution For Disinfecting Vegetables

Vegetables and fruits are covered with bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms causing various diseases. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you can to disinfect them using vinegar . Prepare a solution of three parts water and one part vinegar.

Suitable Spices For Sarma
Culinary Tips

Suitable Spices For Sarma

Sarmi you can make with many different spices according to your taste. We also choose the spices depending on whether the cabbage leaves are with fresh cabbage, sauerkraut or vine leaves. It is also important whether the sarma is lean only with rice or minced.

What Will Be The Top Healthy Foods Of 2020?
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What Will Be The Top Healthy Foods Of 2020?

More and more people are betting on healthy eating and changing their diet to start living a whole new way of life. Thanks to this, new ones appear in the sky every year modern super foods . Who will be top healthy foods in 2020 ? Carom In the age of social networks, thanks to Instagram, more and more food is gaining popularity thanks to appetizing photos.

Typical Dishes From Montenegro

Typical Dishes From Montenegro

Montenegrin cuisine is very original because of the mixture of different national culinary traditions that have influenced it. Montenegro is characterized by pork or lamb dishes in combination with vegetables. Different types of meat - lamb, beef, pork, chicken - are grilled and grilled.

Confirmed! Food And Drink In The West Are Of Different Quality Than Ours
Culinary News

Confirmed! Food And Drink In The West Are Of Different Quality Than Ours

In the countries of Western Europe food products of higher quality are sold and although the brand is the same, in our country the standard for the same foods is lowered. The news was announced by the Minister of Agriculture Rumen Porojanov in front of Darik.

How To Make A Homemade Saw
What to cook

How To Make A Homemade Saw

Although forgotten, the house saw was one of the most frequently used snacks prepared by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. The recipe for homemade cane has been passed down from mother to daughter for years. Its preparation is very fast, and the name trinity due to the way this rustic recipe is made.

The Favorite Desserts Of Italians

The Favorite Desserts Of Italians

Italian cuisine is undoubtedly one of the most tempting in the world. It is mostly associated with a wide variety of pastas and pizzas, fish and seafood dishes and various types of risotto. It is not unknown that the desserts of the Italians have also conquered the whole world with their unique quality.

Favorite Sweets From Childhood
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Favorite Sweets From Childhood

Memories of our childhood are the purest and sweetest memories, which unfortunately cannot be returned. Apart from the long games outside with friends, the other good memory is the full home meals with the delicious dishes prepared by our parents and grandmothers.

How To Prepare Homemade Salads?
What to cook

How To Prepare Homemade Salads?

We all love the salty temptations that we can eat both in front of the TV, watching our favorite show, and just to nibble on various crackers, snacks. That is why today we have decided to offer you something amazing easy and delicious recipe for homemade salads , so you can surprise your loved ones with something tasty and different.

How To Make Homemade Trahana
What to cook

How To Make Homemade Trahana

Trachana is a dish of Arabic origin, resembling potpourri. It is often present in the cuisines of Strandzha, Sakar, the Rhodopes and other regions of the country. The method of preparation of trachana can be likened to the Italian "

Let's Make A Homemade Lucky Pie
Festive Table

Let's Make A Homemade Lucky Pie

The New Year's pie with good luck is an integral part of the ritual for welcoming the coming year. Luck is the new hope we receive for the next twelve months. Everyone wants the best for themselves, their families and loved ones who are in their hearts.