Culinary magazine about tasty and healthy food

New 20: Coffee Is More Useful Than Healthy Foods
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New 20: Coffee Is More Useful Than Healthy Foods

The coffee , which has long been considered harmful, is proving more beneficial than some foods. However, there is a catch - it should not be more than 1-2 glasses a day. Drinking coffee is useful, as long as it is in moderation. Scientists have studied the effects on the human body of various foods, including fruits, vegetables and nuts.

Forget About Hair Loss With These Herbs And Essential Oils
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Forget About Hair Loss With These Herbs And Essential Oils

There are a number of reasons for hair loss. Among them are lack of vitamins, genetic factors, stress. The use of herbal and herbal decoctions does not harm the skin and has no side effects. 1. Henna is most commonly used. Walnut shells, onion peel, olive oil are added to the henna to strengthen the hair.

Nature And Benefits Of Black Salt
Culinary Tips

Nature And Benefits Of Black Salt

The origin of black salt is from Hawaii. It is a mixture of purified volcanic coal with sea salt. It is mostly harvested from salt farms located on the small island of Mulokai in the Hawaiian Islands. The reason for the unique taste of salt is that in the Hawaiian Islands the archipelago has an exceptional combination of different land masses.

The Best Ingredients For Smoothies And Juices Against Flu And Colds
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The Best Ingredients For Smoothies And Juices Against Flu And Colds

During the winter we face almost all kinds of colds and diseases almost every day. In order not to get to drugs, the best way is to turn to nature. It gives us everything we need to be healthy. Here are the nutrients considered most effective in fighting diseases:

Sol Maldon - Essence And Advantages
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Sol Maldon - Essence And Advantages

When you overdo it with salt, you are doing a lot of damage to your body. You probably know that. But you hardly know that salt is also extremely necessary for the human body. It helps to balance it and without it, countless health problems would occur in the human body.

The Cheese Festival In Slivnitsa Presents The White Gold Of Bulgaria
Culinary News

The Cheese Festival In Slivnitsa Presents The White Gold Of Bulgaria

A second cheese festival will be held in a few days in Slivnitsa. The event, which aims to promote Bulgarian dairy products among the population, will take place on May 14th and 15th in the new sports hall in the city. It is planned that the tasty event will be organized in the form of an exhibition-bazaar and present the best of domestic production.

Achieving Fluid Balance In The Body
Nutrition and Health

Achieving Fluid Balance In The Body

As we know, the human body consists mainly of water (60-80%), so the intake of sufficient fluids is especially important for the normal functioning of the body. To avoid the risk of dehydration , you must drink the required amount of water per day, as well as follow a certain water regime.

Milk Chocolate? Yes, But With One Thing In Mind
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Milk Chocolate? Yes, But With One Thing In Mind

The chocolate is a food product derived from cocoa. In it, people put all sorts of different ingredients. It is usually produced from fermented, roasted and ground cocoa beans. The product is an invention of the ancient Aztecs. Chocolate has been known in Mexico, Central and South America for at least 3,000 years.

You Also Lose Weight With A Chocolate Diet

You Also Lose Weight With A Chocolate Diet

How to avoid starvation and lose weight at the same time? Don't you want to kill two rabbits with one bullet by both eating your favorite food and getting rid of extra pounds? !! In the beginning, we women find it harder to give up sweet foods.

Chocolate Comforts Us During A Crisis
Culinary News

Chocolate Comforts Us During A Crisis

In times of severe financial crisis, we deprive ourselves of all luxuries and small pleasures in order to be able to cope with scarce resources. It turns out that even in the most difficult times, people can not live without one thing - chocolate .

Salty Foods Are Better For Keeping The Body Hydrated
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Salty Foods Are Better For Keeping The Body Hydrated

We all know that we are thirsty for salty foods. Sounds logical, but is it true? Not according to a new international study. The new theory is by a group of scientists who studied how long-term human isolation affects. Their work was connected in the mission prepared by NASA to Mars.

Seven Foods That Relieve The Symptoms Of Menopause
Nutrition and Health

Seven Foods That Relieve The Symptoms Of Menopause

If hot flashes, flushing, sweating, insomnia, mood swings and bone loss come, then it's time to go into menopause. To protect yourself from these problems, you need a balanced diet. During menopause, try to avoid frequent use of red meat, sweet and savory products, processed meat sausages, alcohol and cigarettes.

Eating Peanuts In Early Childhood Prevents Allergies To Them
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Eating Peanuts In Early Childhood Prevents Allergies To Them

If you have a baby, it is good to know that if you eat foods containing peanuts, the risk of developing peanut allergy decreased by 81 to 100, according to clinical trial results quoted by Reuters and AFP. Infants in Israel start eating peanuts at a very early age, unlike many other countries where it is not recommended to give peanuts to young children.

Surprising Applications Of Beer
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Surprising Applications Of Beer

Beer refreshes and relaxes, promotes communication and cools the burning caused by spicy food. It is the most widely consumed alcoholic beverage in the world and the third most widely consumed beverage in general. Beer is the oldest alcoholic beverage, and publishers who have diluted beer have been given the death penalty.

There Is No Animal Protein In The Menu Of Centenarians
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There Is No Animal Protein In The Menu Of Centenarians

The Huns, an isolated people inhabiting the Himalayas, are known as people who do not get sick. The people of the Hunza Valley are also famous for their legendary longevity. Many live to be 110-125 years old. They are strong and active throughout their lives.

Surprising Applications Of Our Well-known Spices
Culinary Tips

Surprising Applications Of Our Well-known Spices

As good hosts, most of you probably have a cupboard full of spices at home that you use in your daily cooking. However, it is good to know a few more useful things that you can use them for. Oregano - works well for colds and to relieve sinus pain.

Surprising Applications Of Hydrogen Peroxide In Everyday Life
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Surprising Applications Of Hydrogen Peroxide In Everyday Life

Cheap and easy to use! Hydrogen peroxide is one of the most useful substances that can help you day in and day out. Maybe that's why he received a "seal" of a dangerous product, which, of course, is confirmed by those who do not want its use to become popular.

Unusual Uses Of Peanut Butter That You Do Not Suspect

Unusual Uses Of Peanut Butter That You Do Not Suspect

Peanut butter It is traditionally eaten on a sandwich or on toast, but few people know that it can be used to clean the house or to keep your skin radiant and hydrated. This is actually one of the products that each of us can have in our home, as long as you are not allergic to peanuts.

Eight Beauty Tips With Baking Soda
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Eight Beauty Tips With Baking Soda

Except for baking you can use bicarbonate of soda and to remove bad odors in the refrigerator and to clean burnt dishes. But how can you use it as a beauty, healing or hygiene product? Here are the cases in which baking soda will help easily for your better appearance, as you do that of your personal belongings:

Food Has A Different Taste 3 Kilometers From Earth

Food Has A Different Taste 3 Kilometers From Earth

Little is known that the taste of food is not the same at different altitudes. This statement is discussed in detail in the well-known among culinary experts - aircraft theory. She cites as evidence the fact that the food consumed in flying planes tastes different from what is eaten on the ground.

Drinking Green Tea Can Protect You From These 2 Diseases
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Drinking Green Tea Can Protect You From These 2 Diseases

Drinking green tea is recommended when you want to lose a few pounds, but in addition to fighting excess weight, it turns out that this hot drink can prevent the risk of two deadly diseases. A study by the British Foundation for the Fight against Cardiovascular Disease found that daily intake of green tea can prevent stroke and heart attack.

Cook With Tomatoes To Have A Healthy Heart
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Cook With Tomatoes To Have A Healthy Heart

According to a recent study by researchers at the University of Verona, processed tomatoes contain more antioxidants. This in turn means that they are useful and can protect the heart from various diseases. The results of the study show that cooked tomatoes have a much higher amount of lycopene than raw vegetables.

Miraculous Tincture To Stimulate Brain Activity
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Miraculous Tincture To Stimulate Brain Activity

We all want to live longer! In order not to face many different diseases, we offer you a miraculous tincture made on the basis of garlic. It is excellent for atherosclerosis, decreased brain activity, age-related hearing loss, chronic fatigue and impaired bowel function.

How To Cook Cornmeal
What to cook

How To Cook Cornmeal

With the help of cornmeal you can prepare many delicious culinary temptations. Cornmeal is not only suitable for making porridge, you can make very tasty katmi from it. You need 1 teaspoon of cornmeal, 2 cups of white flour, 2 cups of milk, 4 eggs, 1 teaspoon of liquid cream, 1 cube of yeast, a pinch of salt and a pinch of sugar.

Cure The Diseased Tooth With An Alcohol Tincture Of Propolis
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Cure The Diseased Tooth With An Alcohol Tincture Of Propolis

Alcoholic tincture of bee propolis has a wide application. It is a healer of both diseased teeth and diseased gums. It also helps with sore throats, stomach problems, colds and is an excellent immunostimulant. If you have a toothache, take an ear stick, dip it in the alcoholic extract of propolis and drop 2-3 drops on the affected area.

The Potential Harm Of Overdoing It With Chicken
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The Potential Harm Of Overdoing It With Chicken

The many benefits of eating chicken are known - it is low in calories, a source of high quality protein, vitamin B5, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and many other useful ingredients. However, it should be clearly emphasized that extremely natural chicken meat is useful - grown without various additives, steroids, hormonal preparations, antibiotics.

Delicious Ideas From Turkish Cuisine
What to cook

Delicious Ideas From Turkish Cuisine

Turkish cuisine is said to be a combination of Mediterranean and Arabic cuisine, but without missing elements of Balkan cuisine. It is quite common in our country and there is hardly a person who has not tried the famous Turkish baklava, for example.

Couscous Diet

Couscous Diet

The homeland of this small-grain pasta is Morocco, North Africa. There, couscous is considered a national Moroccan dish. However, it is no less popular in Tunisia, Algeria, Libya and other countries. It is often found in Italian, Israeli and French cuisine.

Ridiculous Taxis Of Ketchup And Mayonnaise Were Invented By The Dunners At Sea
Culinary News

Ridiculous Taxis Of Ketchup And Mayonnaise Were Invented By The Dunners At Sea

After the fee for an empty chair in a restaurant in Sozopol, which shocked thousands of Bulgarians, another ridiculous fee came to light, which the bakers and pizzerias by the sea want from their customers. In many places they charge ketchup, mayonnaise and mustard, which are generally free sauces, with between 1 and 1.

What Are The Biggest Possible Blunders In The Kitchen
Culinary Tips

What Are The Biggest Possible Blunders In The Kitchen

It takes a lot of patience and especially free time to prepare delicious food at home. However, most ladies work and hurry when they cook, which is why they often make big mistakes. A study of foodpanda took out the most common mistakes of women during cooking and ranked them.

Do Not Eat Partially Spoiled Apples! That's Why
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Do Not Eat Partially Spoiled Apples! That's Why

What do we usually do with apples that have some brown spots or one side of them looks slightly injured. Should we throw them away? No, we will carefully begin to remove their damaged parts with the idea that the apple is a priceless fruit and in no case should we throw away anything from it.

About The Benefits Of Nuts
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About The Benefits Of Nuts

Most people think that nuts are high in calories and fat. And they are right! Nuts are quite high in calories. However, it is very difficult not to overeat with these delicious activities. If you can refrain from overdoing them, nuts can definitely be part of a healthy diet.

Free School Snacks Are Tasteless And Spoiled
Culinary News

Free School Snacks Are Tasteless And Spoiled

Every morning the children in our country have breakfast with low-quality and in most cases spoiled food according to the free snacks for students provided by the state, parents signal to btv. One of the mothers even showed her child the sandwich, which consisted of two glued slices and a thin layer of yellow cheese between them.

Important For The Siren
Culinary Tips

Important For The Siren

Cheese - a product that we use every day for breakfast, lunch or dinner, we use it in the preparation of sandwiches, main dishes, soups, salads, and even in desserts. There are many legends about the origin of the cheese. One of them tells how one early morning an Arab merchant named Kanan set off on a long journey through the desert, taking with him some food and milk, which he put in a traditional nomadic vessel (dried sheep's stomach).

Foods With Negative Calories For Weight Loss
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Foods With Negative Calories For Weight Loss

There are really no foods that do not contain calories. The following are no exception. However, their digestion takes more calories from the body than they themselves contain. The reason for this is the fact that the process of extracting calories from these foods is more difficult and therefore the body has to work harder on them, thus wasting energy.

30 Foods And Drinks With Almost 0 Calories
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30 Foods And Drinks With Almost 0 Calories

Calories provide the energy our body needs to function properly. There are many delicious low calorie foods . Most of them are fruits and vegetables rich in various nutrients. Consuming these foods with almost 0 calories provides many benefits to our health.

What Do 300 Calories Look Like With Different Foods

What Do 300 Calories Look Like With Different Foods

Calories often perceived as an abstract concept. The truth is that they are quite accurate. Each food has a certain energy value and it is measured in calories. Their importance - more than the necessary energy will make our body gain weight;

What Do 100 Calories In A Healthy Diet Look Like?
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What Do 100 Calories In A Healthy Diet Look Like?

If you are among the people who strive to eat healthily and at the same time the number of calories consumed, you must find out which nutrients contain exactly 100 calories. A small baked potato up to 8 cm long and 5 cm wide; Two cubes of cheddar cheese, as long as it is from the low-fat version;

No More Than 1500 Calories A Day

No More Than 1500 Calories A Day

Don't consume more than 1,500 calories a day if you want to stay young longer, scientists advise. They call this diet gerontological - ie. continuing human youth. According to them, low-calorie food is a sure guarantee for a long life. If you want to be young for a long time, you need to give up animal fats - butter, fatty steaks, salami.

Calories In Different Types Of Seeds
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Calories In Different Types Of Seeds

The taste of sunflower seeds is liked and recognized by the Bulgarians. A disadvantage of the way they are prepared and distributed as a finished product on the market is that they are seasoned with plenty of salt. Here is what the nutritional content is in approximately 28.

How To Store Different Fruits
Culinary Tips

How To Store Different Fruits

The storage of fruits is especially important for preserving their qualities. The best storage that can preserve their vitamins and minerals as much as possible is in the refrigerator in plastic bags. They are not washed beforehand, but immediately before consumption.

Caffeine Disorder Or Caffeine Addiction
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Caffeine Disorder Or Caffeine Addiction

Mornings usually start with a cup of delicious and aromatic coffee. The aromatic caffeinated drink manages to wake us up, and if it turns out that there is no coffee, the day is not so full. Scientists from all over the world have repeatedly informed us that this addiction to coffee is not very useful.

Symptoms That You Have A Low Food Culture
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Symptoms That You Have A Low Food Culture

In recent years, healthy eating has become increasingly popular. Fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains try to displace meat, chips, donuts, waffles and white bread. Modern people try to eat properly, avoiding the use of salt, sugar, preservatives and widespread E's.

Is Porridge Useful And How To Cook It?
Culinary Tips

Is Porridge Useful And How To Cook It?

The porridge is a useful food because it contains a lot of vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin C and vitamin PP. Oatmeal helps eliminate toxins from the body and contains two essential amino acids - lysine and tryptophan. For the preparation of porridge a pot with thick walls and a bottom is needed - the most suitable for this purpose is a cast iron pot that distributes heat evenly.

The Porridge In Different Parts Of Bulgaria
What to cook

The Porridge In Different Parts Of Bulgaria

Porridge is a traditional dish in Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Turkey. The Italians have their analogue under the name polenta. It was imposed in Bulgaria in the 18th century due to its rapid preparation. For the Bulgarian woman, making this type of bread with corn flour is salvation.

The Exceptional Qualities And Properties Of Cabbage Juice
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The Exceptional Qualities And Properties Of Cabbage Juice

Cabbage juice is known to all of us as an excellent remedy for hangovers. Whether you've tried it or not, you've certainly heard of its exceptional properties . Although cabbage juice does not have a very pleasant taste and aroma according to some, its benefits for the body are numerous.

How To Make An Exotic Pizza
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How To Make An Exotic Pizza

A delicious exotic pizza with pineapple is easy and quick to prepare. For the dough you need 400 grams of flour, 200 grams of butter, 250 grams of sour cream, two pinches of salt. For the filling you need 100 grams of ham, 100 grams of soft salami, 6 slices of pineapple, 5 tablespoons of canned corn, 1 tomato, 50 g of yellow cheese, two pinches of nutmeg, black pepper and salt to taste.

The New Glory Of The Old Porridge
What to cook

The New Glory Of The Old Porridge

Porridge is that childhood dish that our grandmothers patiently prepared for a long time, endlessly mixing corn flour with water by the stove. To finally get that amazing taste that stays for a lifetime. The porridge , or mamaliga, is the dish of our region, something like the trademark of the Balkans, although its fame is spread beyond the peninsula, to Italy and beyond, where it bears the sonorous name polenta.

Garlic - A Spice And Medicine With Incredible Qualities
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Garlic - A Spice And Medicine With Incredible Qualities

Garlic has been known to humans since 6,000 years ago. Even then it had a wide application - as a spice, food, medicine. Its specific taste and aroma rank it among the kings of spices. His homeland is considered to be Central and Southwest Asia.

Why Is The Lens Healthy?
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Why Is The Lens Healthy?

Legumes have long been known for their health benefits to human health. They can participate in making salads, main dishes, salty crackers and more. They are also rich in nutrients and low in calories. What's better than that? And if you are not sure about the benefits that the lens provides to the body, see for yourself.