Culinary magazine about tasty and healthy food

Nutrition In Amenorrhea

Nutrition In Amenorrhea

The medical term for irregular menstruation is " amenorrhea “. As a regular cycle, scientists determine this occurs every 21 to 35 days. The first day of the menstrual cycle is the first day of bleeding. The reason for the fluctuations or the absence of regular menses can be very different, but they are usually hormonal.

Are The Little Things Useful?
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Are The Little Things Useful?

Heart in butter, breaded brain, stewed livers - just by mentioning these dishes, most people fall into sweet dreams about the taste of the little things. Some people think that trifles are useful food, others consider them harmful. The liver, for example, has been revered by the ancient Egyptians.

What Happens To Your Body After Drinking A Cup Of Coffee?
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What Happens To Your Body After Drinking A Cup Of Coffee?

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks around the world. Many people can't start their day without a glass of aromatic drink, but what actually happens to our body when we drink our coffee? In the following lines, see how coffee affects our body.

Reasons To Give Up Sugar
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Reasons To Give Up Sugar

Sugar is not food - it contains empty calories with low nutritional value and actually forces the body to steal vitamins from other important organs to process sugar, leaving you malnourished. Sugar makes you fat - it is full of calories that are stored in adipose tissue.

Top Foods Against Bloated Stomach
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Top Foods Against Bloated Stomach

Research in recent decades has shown that every extra inch of waist circumference shortens life. It is estimated that if it exceeds 100 cm (for women) and 120 cm (for men), health problems will not be delayed. Every 5 extra centimeters increases the risk of premature death by 13-17%.

Breakfast And Lunch For Brain Concentration
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Breakfast And Lunch For Brain Concentration

After the weekend, it is difficult to return to your usual work schedule. To stay fit, eat right. Before going to work, eat muesli with milk or warm water. Cereals contain B vitamins, which improve brain function and help against stress.

Coffee Raises Or Lowers Blood Pressure
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Coffee Raises Or Lowers Blood Pressure

Caffeine is a natural stimulant found in the nuts, fruits and leaves of some plants. It is most often taken with products such as tea or coffee, which are the most consumed drinks in the world. For this reason, there are a number of studies on the effect of caffeine on human health, most of which focus on its impact on heart disease and blood pressure problems.

How And Why To Limit Sugar
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How And Why To Limit Sugar

Many people can hardly imagine their lives without sweets. Sweets, pastries, pastries, sugar in coffee and tea - all this harms our health. If you want to reduce the amount of sugar you consume, you need to know how to do it. Know that sugar is not food.

Tarragon For Light Breathing And Healthy Sleep
Nutrition and Health

Tarragon For Light Breathing And Healthy Sleep

Lack of sleep can also affect our figure, according to research. Scientists have found that poor rest increases the levels of hormones that are associated with weight gain. A good night's sleep is extremely important for us to be healthy and able to perform our daily duties.

Food And Estrogen
Nutrition and Health

Food And Estrogen

Estrogen, or more specifically estrogen, is a steroid-female sex hormone. They are related to ovulation and sexual behavior of female individuals. They are also found in male bodies, but in much smaller quantities. It is because of this fact that it was surprising to scientists to discover that estrogen levels in men's bodies have risen sharply in recent decades.

To Which Dishes Should We Add Tarragon?
Culinary Tips

To Which Dishes Should We Add Tarragon?

Tarragon is a perennial plant that has a herbaceous stem. It forms short underground stems - rhizomes. During flowering, the height of the stem can reach up to two meters. There are two types of tarragon - cultivated and wild. Wild tarragon has a weaker aroma and taste.

The Big Pros And Cons Of Caffeine
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The Big Pros And Cons Of Caffeine

Almost all of us like to drink a cup of coffee or tea. And why not? They give us immediate energy and delight our hectic daily lives with their sugar content. There are millions of people who cannot imagine a quality awakening in the morning without at least a glass of one of the mentioned tonic drinks.

Periodic Fasting - A Sure Way To Lose Fat

Periodic Fasting - A Sure Way To Lose Fat

There are many different ways to lose weight. Some choose strictly restrictive diets that lead to quick results, but are not a good choice in the long run. Others choose to exclude whole food groups from their diet, most often carbohydrates.

Can Coffee Increase Our Metabolism?
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Can Coffee Increase Our Metabolism?

Coffee is a favorite tasty and aromatic drink that wakes up millions of people around the world every day. It contains caffeine, which is the most commonly consumed psychoactive substance. Caffeine is part of most commercial fat burning supplements available on the market today.

They Debunked The Main Myth About Chocolate
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They Debunked The Main Myth About Chocolate

Chocolate can cause depression and is not a cure for it. This unexpected statement was made by scientists from the University of California at San Diego, according to the Russian press. They claim that people who regularly consume chocolate and chocolate products are more likely to fall into depression and melancholy than anyone else.

Psychological Explanation Of Food Addiction
Nutrition and Health

Psychological Explanation Of Food Addiction

Food addiction or food addiction is a complex process that has long amazed scientists and professionals. It was not until the middle of the last century that it became clear that overeating was a type of toxicological addiction. This leads to the equating of food addiction with drug addiction.

Is Sea Salt Full Of Plastic?

Is Sea Salt Full Of Plastic?

Scientists from the East China University in Shanghai studied Chinese sea salt and found a very strange ingredient in it. It turns out that in every kilogram of salt there are hundreds of microscopic plastic particles. They enter the human body and make it sick.

The Benefits Of Sea Salt
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The Benefits Of Sea Salt

Many people underestimate sea salt , but in fact it has an amazing effect on the human body! Here is a small part of the benefits of sea salt . See in what situations you can use it! Rejuvenates the skin A bath with sea salt solution will keep your skin rejuvenated and energized.

The Amazing Qualities Of English Salt
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The Amazing Qualities Of English Salt

English salt is very useful for human health because it is believed to calm the body, soul and mind. It manages to relax the nervous system, reduces pain in bones and joints, relieves muscle cramps. It is also mild for colds and is a good helper in detoxifying the body.

Overeating Spray Protects Our Waist

Overeating Spray Protects Our Waist

Another innovation in the relentless fight against fat and excess weight is already a fact. Cunning spray takes care of our health and beautiful silhouette, protecting us from overeating. Excessive appetite is the main reason we can't control ourselves when appetizing pots and irresistible sweet temptations appear before our eyes.

Cocoa For Beauty
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Cocoa For Beauty

Cocoa is used not only for the preparation of hot chocolate, but can also be used to beautify and combat premature aging. With the help of how you can prepare a lip balm for beautiful lips. Melt a tablespoon of butter in a water bath and add a tablespoon of cocoa powder.

Forget About Spring Fatigue With These 5 Foods
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Forget About Spring Fatigue With These 5 Foods

With the arrival of spring, many people, especially those exposed to the weather, struggle with problems such as chronic fatigue, their need for sleep increases, and last but not least, they suffer from a lack of concentration and energy. And with the approach of summer, many of us strive to lose a few pounds and rely on drastic diets for a quick and effective result.

Sea Salt Is A Cure For Dozens Of Diseases
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Sea Salt Is A Cure For Dozens Of Diseases

Salt is one of the most important elements for the human body. It constantly participates in the metabolic processes that take place in it, regulating heart function and kidney function. The required amounts of it are important for the performance of a number of vital functions.

Fortunately, Foods Increase Endorphins In The Body
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Fortunately, Foods Increase Endorphins In The Body

Endorphins comes from the word morphine and is found naturally in the body. It is a type of hormone, a neurotransmitter that helps transport chemical messages to the brain. It plays a vital role in the functioning of the brain. As a result of consuming certain nutrients, the endorphin hormone in the body may increase.

Here's How Sea Salt Helps Keep Hair, Skin And Nails Healthy
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Here's How Sea Salt Helps Keep Hair, Skin And Nails Healthy

When the body's normal salt balance is disturbed, it affects the nails, hair and skin. The shine of the hair is lost, the skin dries out, dandruff appears, the nails darken and are brittle, there is hair loss. These changes occur most often when the weather is cold and dry.

What Is The Difference Between Sea And Rock Salt
Culinary Tips

What Is The Difference Between Sea And Rock Salt

Cooking salt contains calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium. Sodium is one of the main cations that are necessary for the proper functioning of the human body. Sodium ions are found in blood, breast milk, pancreatic secretions and many other body fluids.

Calories In Different Types Of Beer
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Calories In Different Types Of Beer

Yes, alcohol contains calories. Another misconception is that alcohol is an energy source. It is definitely not a source of energy. What alcohol molecules do is affect the brain to create a sense of euphoria that is often confused with energy.

Calories In Different Types Of Bread
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Calories In Different Types Of Bread

The type of flour from which bread is kneaded is the main criterion that determines its quality and how it is absorbed by the human body. The final caloric content of bread also depends on this indicator, and this value is especially important for people who carefully monitor the accumulation of extra pounds.

Good Digestion Thanks To Savory
Nutrition and Health

Good Digestion Thanks To Savory

Savory is widely used in cooking - it goes on lean and meat dishes, often mixed with other spices such as black and red pepper, bay leaf, parsley, garlic. For culinary purposes, the above-ground part is used - savory was used in ancient Rome, and later, in the Middle Ages, the spice was added to cakes.

Eliminate Headaches And Blood Pressure With Savory
Nutrition and Health

Eliminate Headaches And Blood Pressure With Savory

Aromatic savory is a great remedy for headaches as well as for lowering high blood pressure, according to a recent study. More than 30 species of savory are known, but research shows that the most useful are garden and mountain. They are widely used in Bulgarian traditional cuisine - savory is added to stews, baked dishes with and without meat, sauces and more.

Parsley, Mint And Savory - The Quiet Healers In Our Kitchen
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Parsley, Mint And Savory - The Quiet Healers In Our Kitchen

Parsley is also known in our country as merudia. His homeland is the Mediterranean. In our country it is grown everywhere. All parts of the plant are medicinal - the leaves, roots and seeds. Parsley juice is used to impose insect bites, boils and swellings, to remove pimples and blemishes on the skin.

To Which Dishes To Add Savory
Culinary Tips

To Which Dishes To Add Savory

Savory is one of the most ancient spices, known to the ancient Romans, who seasoned every dish with it. In the first century BC. the ancient Roman poet Virgil cultivated savory plantations, as he claimed that in this way the honey of the bees he possessed became much more fragrant.

About The Benefits Of Parsley Decoction
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About The Benefits Of Parsley Decoction

Bulgarian cuisine uses a lot of spices - the variety of smells and tastes makes the dishes even more delicious and unique. What would be beans without mint or fish without a little devesil? The richness of scents gives us the opportunity to use a variety of combinations, even those that sound very amazing.

The Best Spices For Weight Loss
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The Best Spices For Weight Loss

Being overweight is a problem that plagues many. The reasons for it are various, one of the most common being a slow or disturbed metabolism. No matter how much exercise or diet you do, if you have a slow metabolism, you will not achieve good results.

Storage Of Parsley
Culinary Tips

Storage Of Parsley

Parsley is one of the most used green spices - it is used to season soups, dishes, salads, decorate hors d'oeuvres. Parsley adds a pleasant taste and aroma to any dish. There are various ways to store parsley so that it can be used at any time as an addition to your favorite dishes.

5 Healing Recipes With Parsley
Nutrition and Health

5 Healing Recipes With Parsley

There is hardly a person who does not know about parsley and its use in cooking, but its healing properties should not be neglected. Parsley is a cure for many problems, helping to lose weight, cystitis, liver problems and kidney inflammation.

Sow Autumn Parsley Now
Yard and Garden

Sow Autumn Parsley Now

If you like parsley for most of your recipes, it's good to know that if you sow it in August, it will be ready in the fall. Before the snow falls you will be able to cut it once or twice, and next year - three or four more times. It is good to sow before watering the beds.

Storage Of Dill And Parsley
Culinary Tips

Storage Of Dill And Parsley

To preserve the aroma and beneficial properties of dill and parsley, you need to store them properly. After you buy parsley or dill, wrap them in newspaper and put the newspaper in nylon. Put this package at the bottom of the refrigerator - so the green spices will stay fresh and fragrant for a long time.

How To Dry Mint
Culinary Tips

How To Dry Mint

Mint, also known as gozum and mint, is a perennial spice with a strong and memorable aroma. Its use in our country is well represented. It is used to season all kinds of dishes such as soups, stews, stews, various meat dishes, fillings and more.

The Difference Between Mint And Mint
Culinary Tips

The Difference Between Mint And Mint

Bulgarian traditional cuisine is defined as spicy, as one of the main raw materials used are spices. Their use is a necessity that improves the taste of food and promotes its assimilation. Their impact is determined by the concentration, quantity, color and taste ingredients.

Freeze Parsley And Dill
Culinary Tips

Freeze Parsley And Dill

Many will say that fresh spices are on sale all year round, and that storing them is completely pointless. But it's not quite like that! Many times we have been in a situation where we start cooking something unforeseen and it is necessary to add parsley or dill immediately.

Delicious And Useful Smoothies With Parsley
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Delicious And Useful Smoothies With Parsley

Parsley is a divine plant that gives a wonderful aroma and taste to dishes, and the body - invaluable substances that are good for health. However, this fresh spice has many more benefits if taken in the form of smoothies in combination with other healthy products.

Flavor The Salads With Mint
What to cook

Flavor The Salads With Mint

Mint gives a very fresh taste to salads, but since it is an extremely fragrant spice, it is desirable not to overdo it. If you put too much, you risk the salad to have only the aroma of mint. The spice is extremely suitable for salads with beans and potatoes.

Mint Decoction - Benefits And Application
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Mint Decoction - Benefits And Application

Garden mint (Mentha spicata) is a plant of the genus Mint, known to all of us as a culinary spice. And although it does not contain a large amount of menthol, like the classic hot peppermint, it has many of its healing properties. Even the milder taste, aroma and action in some cases prove to be an advantage, especially for people with allergies and intolerance to strong tastes and aromas.

Mint For Toothache And Sore Gums
Nutrition and Health

Mint For Toothache And Sore Gums

Mint is an ancient type of mint that grows in Central and Southern Europe. It is characterized by a strong aroma and sharp taste. It is widely used as a spice for soups, stews and meat delicacies. Apart from being a spice, however, mint is also widely used as a medicine.

Mint Helps With Stomach Aches
Nutrition and Health

Mint Helps With Stomach Aches

Mint is very useful for human health, in addition to being popular as a delicious spice for various types of vegetable and meat dishes, soups, soups and even salads. Mint contains valuable essential oils that turn it into a plant that successfully fights all sorts of harmful microorganisms.

Curcumin - Essence And Benefits
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Curcumin - Essence And Benefits

Curcumin is called the active substance that is found in the spice typical of Indian cuisine, known as turmeric. Turmeric is a major product in the creation of the curry spice, which consists of several different spices that are combined in certain proportions.

Recipe For A Slim Waist With Turmeric
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Recipe For A Slim Waist With Turmeric

Turmeric - the spice with a deep yellow color. 2500 years before the new era, humanity discovered the miraculous properties of the priceless root, which belongs to a herbaceous plant known today as turmeric. The homeland of turmeric is India, where it is also called haldi, gurgemea, turmeric.

Turmeric Acts As A Sedative
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Turmeric Acts As A Sedative

Turmeric is an extremely useful plant, although very few housewives use it in cooking various dishes. And besides spice, turmeric is a real natural medicine. Turmeric is an invaluable aid in the treatment and prevention of many diseases, including diseases of the liver, stomach, gallbladder and kidneys.

Turmeric For Health
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Turmeric For Health

Turmeric is not only fragrant, but also a very useful spice. It strengthens the immune system. To prepare an elixir to strengthen immunity, soak 2 almonds in a tea cup of milk overnight. In the morning, add a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of turmeric and stir until smooth.