All The Benefits Of Sumac In One Place

All The Benefits Of Sumac In One Place
All The Benefits Of Sumac In One Place

Sumac is one of the most common herbs in Bulgaria. It is also known as tetra, cuckoo and oak. It is a shrub that grows up to 4 meters. It is most often found among shrubs and oak forests, on stony and calcareous soil.

Sumac has a universal anti-inflammatory effect, which makes it a cure for many diseases. The essential oils that are part of it, include it in the composition of many cosmetic products.

The leaves of young twigs of the plant are mostly used for medicinal purposes. They contain beneficial substances such as tannins, flavonoids, gallic acid and essential oils. It has a pronounced antiseptic and blood clotting effect.

One of the many benefits of sumac is its use in acute and chronic inflammation of the oral cavity. It is used to treat gingivitis, pyorrhea, cold sores, stomatitis, bad breath and periodontitis. Therefore, sumac is often found in toothpastes and mouthwashes.

In addition to dental problems, sumac is suitable for wounds such as eczema, purulent wounds, acne, boils, swelling. It is also recommended for sweating of the legs, diarrhea, hair loss and others. Baths with the herb are used for hemorrhoids and abundant white discharge.

Despite the benefits of sumac, it should not be used internally, as it can lead to poisoning. It can be used for drinking, but not for drinking. It should not be kept in the oral cavity for a long time, as the mucous membrane may turn white and cause pain.


For this purpose, 100 g of finely chopped sumac leaves are boiled in 1 liter of water, then filtered. The result is used in baths, rinses, splashing once a day.

Sumac is also widely used in cosmetics. Frequent cleansing of the skin with a decoction of the herb strengthens the skin's defense mechanisms. Removes sensations such as tension, drying and warming. Sumac is part of many face and body creams, as well as other cosmetic products.
