The Best Ideas For Breakfast In Bed

The Best Ideas For Breakfast In Bed
The Best Ideas For Breakfast In Bed

After a busy work week, the weekends become one of the best and most awaited days. Days when we indulge in relaxation, rest and long bed rest. These mornings can become even more blissful if they are accompanied by a tray of hot breakfast and fragrant hot coffee in it.

In the preparation of breakfast we can unleash our imagination and create something that would charge us positively in the morning.

In the breakfast plate as a first idea you can put warm French croissants with wild strawberry jam and a cube of butter.

Croissants can be replaced with toasted slices of bread or rolls served in combination with eggs. Eggs can be fried, poached or simply boiled, and toasted slices - garnished with a piece of cheese and a slice of cucumber or tomato.

Another good idea is pancakes with honey, chocolate or just garnished with jam or something salty.

Others might prefer a bowl of muesli and dried fruit.

It is a good idea to make a toast with some sausage and cheese, garnished with fresh salad leaves.

For lovers of lighter snacks we offer a bowl of chopped seasonal fruits with a combination of raw nuts.

In any case, breakfast should be such that it does not imply easy spilling in bed. But on the other hand - breakfast without a drink would be too dry.

We assume that most people would choose aromatic coffee. But with breakfast you can serve hot cocoa or milk, fresh, smoothie or other fruit or vegetable drink.

And for a nice and romantic finish in the corner of the plate we could put a little delicate flower tied with a cheerful ribbon.

Nice and long breakfast from us!
