Lack Of Appetite In Children

Lack Of Appetite In Children
Lack Of Appetite In Children

Often parents are faced with her refusal the reluctance of their children to eat. In such situations, overwhelmed by anxiety and worry, they logically wonder if the loss of appetite is not due to some health problem.

These are periods that almost every little one goes through and are a normal part of the process of its growth and development. There is usually no need to worry unless they last for months or even longer.

In today's article we will look at several possible reasons for the appearance of lack of appetite in children.

Loss of appetite due to illness

Loss of appetite in children
Loss of appetite in children

When a child does not feel well due to illness or other illness, it is normal for a reluctance to eat. In fact, in this way his body saves energy from laborious digestion, which redirects to the recovery process. At such times, do not force the little one to eat, it is more important that he is well hydrated by drinking enough fluids. However, you could offer lighter and more liquid foods such as soups.

Taking medicines

Some medications include loss of appetite as part of the side effects that may occur while not taking them, and sometimes even the appearance of digestive disorders as a result.

Changes in growth

The most common reason is precisely the changes in growth, which in most cases affect children's appetite and can lead to food refusal.

Stress and depression

Lack of appetite in children
Lack of appetite in children

Sometimes children also experience states of stress and depression that can affect their appetite. In early childhood, they are usually caused by the separation of the parents, death in the family (of a close or pet), if the child is subjected to daily aggression or is subject to ill ambitions on the part of the parents and increased demands at school.

Watch your kid and if you feel depressed, unwilling to eat and do your favorite daily activities and games, if you have trouble sleeping and wake up in the morning tired and sleepless, it may be due to stress or depression.

Worms and anemia

Worms and anemia are another very likely cause lack of appetite in children. Unpleasant parasites settle in children's intestines, causing bleeding, loss of appetite, weight loss and other consequences.

If the child is pale, tired quickly, lacks strength and desire to move and eat, he may suffer from anemia.

In such cases, as well as in the presence of worms, the necessary tests are performed and appropriate treatment is prescribed.
