The Best Ways To Clean The Grill Pan

The Best Ways To Clean The Grill Pan
The Best Ways To Clean The Grill Pan

As spring approaches, we inevitably start dreaming of delicious outdoor barbecues. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity for such comfort.

In cramped city apartments, the only option for deliciously grilled food is the grill pan. However, these specific cookware require special cleaning and care methods that everyone should know.

After using the grill, the pan has a look we don't even want to think about while eating the delicious homemade barbecue. The fat is stuck everywhere and has hardened so much that the delicious memories of dinner quickly evaporate. This should not be the case, because cleaning the grill pan is extremely easy.

Heat the pan slightly and sprinkle salt along the fringes. Using household paper, spread the salt well on the channels of the dish while it is still on the hob.

Be careful not to burn yourself. You can turn off the heat if the pan is hot enough. Rub until you remove all food debris. For your reassurance, sprinkled with salt, they fall almost immediately.

Then pour the salt and fill the pan with clean tap water. Leave it for five minutes and then mourn it under the tap. Do not use a metal brush or wire to clean, as this may injure and permanently damage the surface of the pan.

Once you are done with washing, dry the dish with a towel. Pour a tablespoon of oil and spread it well on its entire inner surface with the same cloth. The pan is then ready for storage, ready for new use the next time you eat a grill at home.

Another way to clean a grill pan is with sea salt. Make a paste by mixing salt with a little water. Use a plastic brush to scrub off any leftover food after cooking.

After cleaning the pan, spread a little olive oil on the inside and leave it on the stove on low heat for about thirty minutes.
