Water Is The Key To Good Coffee

Water Is The Key To Good Coffee
Water Is The Key To Good Coffee

Researchers at Bath University have shown through research that the secret to good coffee lies not in coffee beans or expensive coffee machines, but in the water used.

The team of researchers told the British Daily Mail that the composition of the water can change the taste and aroma of the refreshing drink, regardless of the coffee beans from which it is prepared.

In their study, the researchers examined how water affects coffee. The final results found that high levels of magnesium ions improved the coffee extract, while high levels of baking soda impaired the taste of the drink.

According to team leader Christopher Hendon, coffee beans contain hundreds of chemicals, the exact composition of which is determined by the way they are roasted.


"The taste of the drink is determined by how much the ingredients are extracted from the water. It also matters how the coffee is ground, at what temperature and under what pressure it is brewed, as well as the duration of the process. "- Says the British researcher.

The scientific team came to the conclusion that in order to enjoy good coffee, a key factor is the proportions between sugars, starches, bases and acids, which are extracted from a given type of beans and from the composition of water.

The British study draws attention to the importance of ion proportions, while the European Gourmet Coffee Association focuses on measuring the ionic conductivity of the water used.

Drinking Coffee
Drinking Coffee

American neurologists, on the other hand, add that the best time for the first cup of coffee of the day is between 9.30 am and 11.30 am.

That's when caffeine interacts most effectively with the hormone cortisol, which regulates the body's internal clock and stimulates alertness.

Cortisol levels are high shortly after waking up and can remain high for up to an hour after reaching a peak between 8 and 9 hours.

Drinking coffee while levels of this hormone are still high can lead to caffeine addiction, so it is advisable to wait at least half an hour to drink your first cup of coffee of the day.
