White Turnips

White Turnips
White Turnips

White turnips is a root plant that belongs to the family Brassicaceae. That is, it is a relative of radishes, cabbage, cauliflower, horseradish and other plants. This plant originates from Asia, but is widespread in many parts of the world, including Bulgaria.

Different varieties of white radish are characterized by different sizes and shapes. In some varieties, the root is elongated, reminiscent of carrots. In others we have a rounded root. What they have in common is the white color of the root, which is the edible part of the plant. In addition, in all varieties the root has a crispy consistency.

When fresh, it has a pleasant, slightly pungent taste and is mostly used in recipes for fresh salads, as the heat treatment does not affect it very well. White radish is preferred to black because it is not so spicy and its flesh is much tenderer. On the other hand, its black cousin surpasses it in essential oil content. It is also believed that black radish has more pronounced healing properties.

Composition of white radish

White radish is a valuable source of many nutrients and vitamins. The composition of the plant contains a small amount of saturated, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. White radish is a source of fiber, protein and water. In addition, white radish has calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, selenium, copper. The content of root vegetables contains vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B6.

History of white radish


The roots of white radish we are looking in Asia and in China in particular. It has been grown in the country for thousands of years. It has spread to Egypt, Rome, Greece, Japan. Over time, a wide variety of varieties and varieties have emerged. It is not clear when exactly it reached our country, but certainly Bulgarian farmers have been cultivating it for centuries.

She remains a favorite guest at the table because of the crispy meat, which is used as an appetizer to the traditional Bulgarian alcoholic beverage brandy. In addition, it has long been used as a remedy for colds and flu.

Selection and storage of white radish

White turnips you can grow it yourself or buy it from a store. Fortunately, this product is widespread in the market and can be found very easily. White radish is a preferred vegetable because of its useful properties, but also because of its durability. In case you get a certain amount of this natural wealth, you can store it in a cool and dark place. If the individual specimens are placed on straw, spaced apart, they can retain their freshness for weeks.

Cooking white radish

White radish is mostly eaten fresh. She is actively involved in the cooking of many countries. In Japan, for example, it is a component of various pickles. It is also included in some sauces. It is interesting that in the land of the rising sun, the leaves and sprouts of vegetables are also used for culinary purposes. In China, the consumption of white radish is also common. In local specialties it is mixed with rice flour, eggs, onions, garlic, bean sprouts and more.

Turnips are a traditional guest at the home table. It is mostly used for salads, which can contain carrots and cabbage. They are seasoned with olive oil or vegetable oil, and a little vinegar is added. This, of course, is the simplest option for serving vegetables. It can also be combined with apple, orange, beet, cucumber, pepper, avocado. The resulting salads are extremely light and dietary, but on the other hand they are a real vitamin bomb during the cold months.

Turnip salad
Turnip salad

Benefits of white radish

Eating White turnips is useful for a number of reasons. It acts antibacterial and antiviral. That is why its consumption is especially recommended during the winter months, where we are at high risk of colds and flu. The juice of the miraculous root vegetable contains enzymes. This natural gift has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and supports the processes it performs.

White radish is a proven remedy for constipation and lazy bowels. It is very often used in respiratory diseases because it helps to easily separate the tough secretion stuck in the lungs. In folk medicine it is recommended for bronchitis and influenza. In addition, white radish has a positive effect on the kidneys, helping to more easily excrete unnecessary water. According to some folk beliefs, turnips also help to lose weight.

Vegetables strengthen liver cells and protect them from the dangerous effects of toxins. Numerous studies show that white radish is a source of some anti-cancer substances, so this is another good reason to eat the root plant. It is also believed that this vegetable has a good effect on bones and vision.

White radish is highly valued in traditional Chinese medicine. According to local beliefs, during the winter season it has stronger healing properties even than ginseng. According to Chinese healers, in order for a person to be healthy, he must consume white radish in winter and ginger in summer.
