The Secrets Of Delicious Risotto

The Secrets Of Delicious Risotto
The Secrets Of Delicious Risotto

Few people do not praise the taste of risotto, which has become emblematic of Italian cuisine. There are countless recipes for its preparation, but before proceeding to them it is important to know the secrets of its preparation:

1. When cooking risotto, it is best to use Italian varieties of rice and in no case long grain. There is a wide variety of different types of rice on the market, but if you don't happen to find Italian, go for varieties that are round and not that big.

2. The most important rule when preparing risotto is that the broth in which the rice will be stewed is poured gradually, not all at once. In many recipes, after the rice is fried, white wine is added and only then does the broth begin to be added.

3. When adding broth to the risotto, make sure that you have prepared enough, because if you have chosen Italian rice, the ratio between rice and liquid should be 1: 3. Adding the broth is only when the grains have well absorbed the previous liquid.

4. Do not allow yourself to stir the rice often. This is only done if you are worried that it will burn and is done with a wooden spatula so as not to damage the integrity of the grains.

Delicious risotto
Delicious risotto

5. Risotto is always fried in olive oil or butter and never in oil. Don't skimp on the amount of fat so that the rice acquires its characteristic glass color during frying. Only then can you start topping up the liquid, whether you use wine or not.

6. Risotto is always served warm. Otherwise, it will start to look like porridge and your efforts to prepare it will be completely useless.

7. No matter what products you add to the risotto, it is good to prepare them separately so that you can pay full attention to the stewing of rice. You must be at the stove for about 18-20 minutes. This is approximately the time for which you will make the risotto.

8. You can use meat, vegetable, mushroom or fish broth for risotto, choosing its taste according to what you will cook it with. However, it is preferable that the broth is homemade and not bought ready-made.

9. Once the risotto is completely ready, be sure to sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.

See also our suggestions for irresistible risotto: Risotto with mushrooms and Parmesan, Risotto with tomatoes, Risotto with four cheeses, Risotto with quinoa and mushrooms.
