All The Benefits Of Arugula In One Place

All The Benefits Of Arugula In One Place
All The Benefits Of Arugula In One Place

Green leafy vegetables are eaten with great pleasure by some people. From a health point of view, the consumption of these leafy vegetables has many benefits, especially for the elderly and the sick.

Leafy vegetables, which are consumed in salads usually to increase appetite, are arugula, parsley, watercress, lettuce.

Arugula is especially widely used in the Mediterranean and the Aegean region.

Here are the benefits of arugula:

- Includes vitamins A and C. Contains potassium and minerals such as iron and sulfur;

- Those who want to lose weight should include arugula in their list. Her calories are quite low - only 25 calories per 100 grams. People who want to lose weight can consume a lot of arugula;

- It helps to regulate sex life by increasing sexual energy;

- It is a good diuretic. It relaxes the digestive system and protects against indigestion and bloating;

- It helps prevent intestinal infections and muscle contractions, as well as against several types of cancer. It inhibits the growth of cancerous tumors - prostate, breast, colon and provides protection against ovarian cancer;

- Helps cleanse the body of toxins. Provides a major contribution to cholesterol balancing. It is useful against anemia;


- Arugula is a great resource for liver health.;

- It has antibacterial and antiviral properties;

- Good food for nails and hair. It also helps to improve the complexion.

- Arugula provides protection against scurvy, strengthens bones. It allows the removal of bone and joint pain;

How should arugula be consumed?

This medicinal plant is used for salads, can be cooked or used raw. But when arugula is cooked, many of the vitamins and minerals are lost. So, instead of high temperatures for a long time, you should cook it for no more than 5 minutes.
