Alternatives To Meat And Milk For Fasting

Alternatives To Meat And Milk For Fasting
Alternatives To Meat And Milk For Fasting

Fasting is a good way to purify the body, but at the same time it falls into the category of a particularly severe test for the body's endurance.

Before rushing to this kind of detox, you must be completely healthy, not expecting a child (for women), not suffering from anemia or diabetes. Remember - fasting is above all an act of the soul, and by abstaining the body the spirit is supported.

A bodily cleansing without mental catharsis would make such an endeavor meaningless. The most serious danger of giving up forbidden foods is the potential deficiency of protein, essential fatty acids, vitamin B12 and the trace elements iron and zinc.

Here are some good ideas on who they are meat and milk substitutes during fasting.

1. Legumes

Alternatives to meat and milk for fasting
Alternatives to meat and milk for fasting

Photo: North Bay Trading Co

By excluding meat in the body there is a noticeable lack of protein. Legumes are among the most valuable meat substitutes in people who are on duty. It is advisable to alternate different species of the legume family.

2. Green leafy vegetables

Alternatives to meat and milk for fasting
Alternatives to meat and milk for fasting

When meat and offal are excluded from the menu, iron is difficult to obtain. All kinds of green leafy vegetables such as spinach, dock and nettle come to the rescue. The best combination of these foods is to combine with those that contain vitamin C to be the absorption of vitamins in full.

3. Almond, soy, rice milk

Alternatives to meat and milk for fasting
Alternatives to meat and milk for fasting

The main vitamin that supports the proper functioning of the body is B12. It can be found in healthy enough doses in milk, meat, fish and eggs. An excellent choice for a substitute for cow's milk are the various synthetic milks - almond, soy or rice.

4. Pumpkin seeds

Alternatives to meat and milk for fasting
Alternatives to meat and milk for fasting

Pumpkin seeds are among the richest plant sources of zinc. Used in reasonable quantities, they will bring into the food what it lacks during fasting. For variety, zinc can also be found in cashews, dark chocolate and spinach.

5. Nuts and seeds

Alternatives to meat and milk for fasting
Alternatives to meat and milk for fasting

These are unsalted raw nuts, in strictly controlled quantities. Due to their high caloric content, all nuts need to be strictly measured and should not be overdone.
