Harms And Benefits Of Fasting

Harms And Benefits Of Fasting
Harms And Benefits Of Fasting

During starvation, a number of serious changes take place in the body, which can lead to severe pathological processes and even death.

But just as poisons can serve as medicines and medicines can be poisons, so starvation in certain circumstances does not harm, but benefits the body.

The so-called "Curative starvation" by restricting food, and sometimes with complete cessation of eating, has a positive effect. It helps to overcome one or another disease.

The effect of starvation in some diseases as well as the widespread and often inappropriate dissemination of information about this method led to the fact that it began to move into the category of self-medication performed by people without any medical training. In certain cases, the sharp deterioration of health due to starvation has a fatal outcome.

What happens in the body during starvation?

In fasting, in which we deprive ourselves of food, but still take water, the processes occurring in the body are divided into two stages (there are third, which occurs after 40 days of fasting, which is equivalent to death).

During the first, immediately after the cessation of food intake, intensive breakdown of carbohydrates begins and the so-called unbalanced protein breakdown. As a result, the amount of protein in the body decreases. This period lasts up to two days.

During the conditionally differentiated second period, intensive fat melting begins. It should be noted here that until all carbohydrates are burned in the body, there is no way to start intensive consumption of fat.

Harms and benefits of fasting
Harms and benefits of fasting

In this sense, the unloading days that some people spend eating only apples or carrots, for example, are not very effective in terms of true fat melting. The effect that is achieved in this case is a reduction in body weight, but not fat stores, as it does not stop saturating the body with carbohydrates.

Feeding should be done very carefully, because after a long fast the metabolism changes dramatically, as well as the functions of the glands of the digestive system and liver.

Improper nutrition after prolonged fasting can kill a person.

During prolonged fasting, a number of extremely complex processes take place, many of which are not insignificant for the body. In addition, the body accumulates substances that are very harmful to it.

Our advice is not to resort to fasting without medical supervision.

Harms and benefits of fasting
Harms and benefits of fasting


Healing fasting has a very narrow field of application. It is acceptable in some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in some mental disorders that develop as a result of intoxication of the products formed in the body of impaired metabolism.

Fasting is also useful in obesity. However, this method should only be used on a doctor's prescription.
