How To Keep Immunity Strong At Home?

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Video: How To Keep Immunity Strong At Home?

Video: How To Keep Immunity Strong At Home?
How To Keep Immunity Strong At Home?
How To Keep Immunity Strong At Home?

In terms of the coronavirus pandemic, which covered almost the whole world in early 2020, for security reasons, people are urged to leave their homes only for urgent reasons. It is forbidden to go out in parks and gardens, which further hinders people from movement, let alone sports.

The purchase of immunostimulants and vitamins is long over and such products can rarely be found in the pharmaceutical network.

All this suggests that human immunitydeprived of movement and air will deteriorate sharply. The good news is that there are many ways to boost the immune system again, even without taking supplements and even without "sticking your nose out." Here's what it's important to know when you want to to keep the immunity strong while sitting at home.

1. Eat leafy vegetables

Almost all leafy vegetables are declared superfoods effectively strengthen our immunity. Eat green salads, spinach, dock, etc. regularly, but always pre-soaked in water and thoroughly washed because of the nitrates that can often be found in them.

2. Foods rich in magnesium and zinc

How to keep immunity strong at home?
How to keep immunity strong at home?

They play a key role in boosting immunity. Foods with magnesium include broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower, and foods with zinc include beets, carrots and peas. The good thing is that almost all of them can be found all year round in stores, and there are some that are sold canned;

3. Whole grains and legumes

Whole grains, as well as legumes, should be regularly present in our menu not only to diversify it, but also because they are also a useful source of zinc;

4. Foods rich in vitamin C

Strengthening immunity
Strengthening immunity

Regular consumption of foods rich in vitamin C is a must for building our immunity. Here all the citrus fruits stand out in the foreground, such as lemons, grapefruits, tangerines and oranges, which we can meet mostly in winter in our markets. Which is great in itself, because in the winter I need to strengthen our immune system, whether it's during the current coronavirus pandemic or the common colds and flu. We pay special attention to the kiwi, because many people underestimate it, and it is among the richest in vitamin C fruit.

5. Fruits and vegetables in bright colors

All brightly colored fruits and vegetables are good for our immune system. Eat lots of peppers (including hot), tomatoes, grapes, cherries, sour cherries, berries (even frozen), goji berries, elderberries and more. Even moderate consumption of red wine is recommended by most doctors.

6. Enough protein

How to keep immunity strong at home?
How to keep immunity strong at home?

It is clear that protein is obtained through the consumption of meat and fish, but dairy products, eggs, nuts and tofu are also not to be underestimated.

So, although locked up at home, we can easily boost our immunity and be willing to "show our nose outside." When the time comes, of course.
