How To Eat After Easter

How To Eat After Easter
How To Eat After Easter

After the end of the Easter fast, most people rush to the food that they have not tried even before Easter, in order to strictly follow Christian traditions.

Many people perceive fasting as a spring purification of the body, although the idea of fasting is the purification of the soul from everything dark and negative.

But the effect is also beneficial for the body, because during the Easter fast the body is not overloaded with animal proteins and fats and excess carbohydrates.

However, it is not good to overeat exactly on Easter, if you have fasted strictly. Then the body receives extremely strong stress - the stomach, intestines, bile, pancreas, kidneys and liver suffer, and hence the nervous system and heart.

Unfortunately, most people on Easter can't resist and try everything on the table, and a lot more. After overeating, it is good not to eat for at least a day, and if you can not stand, deceive hunger with yogurt and fruit.


Eat a little boiled skinless chicken or boiled river fish. Heavy foods such as pork or beef can only be eaten ten days after Easter.

For at least half a month, avoid smoked meats and salamis, without which you did great during Lent. Instead of fried potatoes, eat stewed vegetables and boiled rice or steamed rice.

To help your body easily absorb food, sprinkle each dish with chopped green onions, parsley and dill. Add olives to the salad.

Instead of cake, eat fruit salads with a little jam or baked apples and dried fruit compotes. If you feel like eating a cake and you just can't do without it, choose a light fruit cake with cottage cheese.

Do not overdo it with alcohol and emphasize freshly squeezed juices and juices with pieces of fruit, such as grapefruit nectar prepared in a blender.
