What Is Abdominal Obesity

Video: What Is Abdominal Obesity

Video: What Is Abdominal Obesity
Video: What is abdominal obesity? | The Check Up 2024, September
What Is Abdominal Obesity
What Is Abdominal Obesity

The accumulation of excessive amounts of fat in the abdominal area is called abdominal obesity. It can be caused by advancing age, hormonal disorders, sedentary lifestyle.

Other reasons for the appearance of this type of obesity are lack of physical activity, genetic predisposition and intake of large amounts of food, especially late at night.

Abdominal obesity it can also be caused by excessive stress and tension.

People with abdominal obesity suffer from severe vitamin D deficiency. This is shown by data from a new study by Dutch scientists. According to them, the more it is the accumulation of fat in the abdomen, the greater the vitamin D deficiency is found.

To correct this, those affected by this type of obesity need additional vitamin intake.

The way to dealing with abdominal obesity is diet and sports. However, abdominal presses do not work, because through them we tighten only the muscles in the abdominal area, and they are under the accumulated fat.

The diet of people suffering from such fat accumulation should include fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains and lean meats.

It is important to eliminate a sedentary lifestyle and increase physical activity. Even half an hour of brisk walking a day will be extremely beneficial and will help reduction of abdominal obesity.

Water intake is also very important because it removes toxins from the body. Food should be chewed well and slowly.

To fight obesity and reduce belly fat, rely on small portions and frequent meals, because this will keep your blood sugar levels normal.
