Here Are The Nations That Live The Most Unhealthily

Here Are The Nations That Live The Most Unhealthily
Here Are The Nations That Live The Most Unhealthily

A new study by the World Health Organization in 179 countries around the world ranked the nations that have led the most unhealthy lifestyles in the last year.

Only three criteria were used in the ranking - alcohol use, smoking and consumption of junk food. According to these indicators, the Czechs ranked first due to the high consumption of alcohol and cigarettes.

The second place in the negative ranking is occupied by Russia, followed by Slovenia, Belarus, Slovakia and Hungary. This defines Eastern Europe as the region with the most unhealthy lifestyle.

In the top ten is the United States, which, although leading in obesity in recent years, lags behind in the health rankings because they do not smoke and drink as much as in Europe.


Lithuania, Afghanistan, Guinea, Niger, Nepal and the Republic of Congo are also in the top 10 in terms of unhealthy regime. The Bulgarians take the 11th place in the ranking.

Although Afghanistan is at the bottom of the ranking for the consumption of unhealthy products, it ranks first in smoking, as 83% of the population are active smokers.

Oceania is defined as the region with the lowest obesity rate. They eat the healthiest on the islands of Samoa, Fiji, Tonga, Tuvalu, Kiribati.

The lowest percentage of people who use alcohol and cigarettes are in Tibet and Nepal, as their culture and religion do not allow it.
