Packaged Foods That You Can Prepare At Home

Packaged Foods That You Can Prepare At Home
Packaged Foods That You Can Prepare At Home

Packaged foods in stores are not one of the most useful. However, many of us find it difficult to resist temptations such as crispy chips and popcorn, for example.

However, giving them up is only one of the solutions for a healthy diet. The truth is that we can prepare some of the packaged foods ourselves, and in a much tastier and healthier version.


To prepare this delicious homemade temptation, we need fresh potatoes. They are washed, peeled and thinly sliced. Put in salted water for about half an hour, then wash again. They can be fried or baked for a few minutes. Taste as desired.

Salad dressing

Increasingly popular salad dressings contain emulsifiers, oils and polyunsaturated vegetable oils.

This makes them a real prerequisite for the development of heart disease. It is much healthier and healthier to season your salad with pure lemon juice, olive oil and / or vinegar.

Fruit milk

Instead of ready-made fruit milks from the store, bet on plain yogurt in which you have cut fresh fruit. The effect is much better.


Ready-made popcorn is full of harmful substances. It is much better to bet on the so-called. popcorn. Pour the small corn kernels into a low-fat saucepan and place them on the hob under a covered lid. They are ready when the popping stops.



Homemade oatmeal can be obtained from unprocessed oatmeal cooked in the microwave for about three minutes. For even better taste and health benefits, add cinnamon, nuts or fresh fruit.

Peanut butter

In essence, peanut butter is one of the healthiest lubricating products. It contains fiber, carbohydrates, protein, resveratrol and water. However, their presence in the jars from the store is questionable. In addition, dangerous toxins and harmful trans fats are found in most finished products.

The homemade alternative is to grind raw peanuts with a blender. Season with honey and salt to taste.
