Eat Your Breakfast Like A King, Your Lunch Like A Prince, And Your Dinner Like A Poor Man

Eat Your Breakfast Like A King, Your Lunch Like A Prince, And Your Dinner Like A Poor Man
Eat Your Breakfast Like A King, Your Lunch Like A Prince, And Your Dinner Like A Poor Man

No more strict diets and long lists of forbidden foods!. Anyone who wants to lose weight, but finds it difficult to constantly limit themselves to different foods, can now relax. It turns out that the secret is not only in what we eat, but also when we consume food, Popshuger reports.

Michelle Bridges works as an instructor and is also the author of a book on body transformation - she gives her valuable advice to people with eating and weight problems.

Bridges offers breakfast like kings, lunch like princes and dinner like poor people. The specialist also explains why these tips are important and whether they are actually applicable.

Above all, a rich breakfast in the morning will give you enough energy for the day, and you will have plenty of time all day to burn calories. On the other hand, you will not suffer from hunger until it's time for lunch, and you will forget about overeating at night.


The lady says that most of the people she worked with as an instructor did not actually have breakfast. They didn't even eat almost anything all day, and in the evening, when they got home, they ate huge amounts of food and a lot of calories. Most of Bridges' clients got up to eat at night.

Nature cannot be defeated, so instead of playing with it, one can take it into account and benefit it. Many nutritionists and fitness instructors agree with this position - breakfast is really the most important meal and should be the most plentiful.

Other experts who advise high-calorie foods to be eaten mainly in the morning are the popular nutritionist Bob Harper and the coach of the famous Gunnar Peterson.

Peterson, who is to blame for the curves of Sofia Vergara, advises his clients not to eat carbohydrates such as pasta or rice later in the day.


Another nutritionist, Shira Lenchevski, says that the biological rhythm of the human body also leads to changes in metabolism. This makes carbs full of carbohydrates and heavy foods easier to break down, especially if eaten earlier in the day.

Of course, such a strategy by no means means that your day should start with a muffin or a chocolate donut, at least not every morning. But such a rule sounds reasonable and in the end is not very difficult to implement.
