Drink Tap Water Instead Of Mineral Water

Drink Tap Water Instead Of Mineral Water
Drink Tap Water Instead Of Mineral Water

According to recent studies tap water is the better choice for drinking - it is preferable to mineralized.

Pediatricians even recommend it for young children. In their opinion, a bottle of tap water from home is the better solution for students, instead of giving them money for water with a high mineral content.

Experts on the subject also claim that despite the healing properties of mineral water, which has been known since ancient times, in various specific conditions it can even be harmful to children.

Another important piece of advice from specialists is for parents to prepare their children's food from home in addition to tap water. This is a much better solution than being put in a chair or given money for food.

Mineral water
Mineral water

So everyone knows what their child is consuming and avoids buying harmful foods such as chips, fast food and too many sweet desserts.

Recent studies and statistics also show that children 25 years ago were healthier. This is most likely due to the clean and unadulterated food that was consumed at the time.

The children drank tap water, not mineral, and have not consumed all harmful and full of preservatives foods.
