How Much Salt Does The Pot Need?

How Much Salt Does The Pot Need?
How Much Salt Does The Pot Need?

It has been claimed for many years that white refined salt is real the white death. Years of research on the lives of tens of thousands of middle-aged people have led to the conclusion that regular consumption of salty foods doubles the risk of stomach cancer. At the same time, the trend is affecting more and more men.

Should we give up salt altogether?

This should not be done under any circumstances, as sodium chloride or salt performs very important functions in the body. It "starts" the oxygen exchange in the cells, regulates the hormonal background, helps to remove the slag through the kidneys, and is also responsible for the feeling of thirst and the production of blood, saliva and others.

In addition, salt is very necessary for the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Therefore, the violation of salt balance can lead to muscle weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, the emergence of quenched thirst. So you should not give up salt, but simply have a measure of its use.


Experts note that the recommended rate of use is 5-10 grams per day for adults and 3-8 grams for children. In the heat you can increase the salt, as potassium chloride is excreted from the body with sweat. This only applies to those who work very hard.

It is important to remember that salt enters the body with food. It is found in various smoked meats and fish, canned food and snacks. If you are a fan of these products, it is good to limit the amount of salt. Read the labels!

Smoked fish
Smoked fish

You should also reduce salt in case of high blood pressure. Doctors recommend that hypertensives eat no more than 6-8 grams a day.

It has been found that if each person reduces salt intake by 30%, mortality from heart disease will be reduced by 16%. Salt is also harmful when prone to weight gain and swelling.

There is iodized salt in the shops. It is recommended for people with thyroid problems. However, as iodine evaporates quickly, it should be added a few minutes before the dish is ready.
