Pudding - A Gentle Alternative To Biscuits

Pudding - A Gentle Alternative To Biscuits
Pudding - A Gentle Alternative To Biscuits

Delight your loved ones with real pudding - it is light and incredibly tasty and is quick and easy to prepare. And it is also a very nice alternative to Kupeshki cakes and biscuits.

One of the easiest puddings to make is banana pudding. Peel four bananas and puree them. Add five tablespoons of butter, which you have previously beaten with two eggs and five tablespoons of sugar.

Add a tablespoon of lemon juice. Stir and add a tea cup of breadcrumbs and two hundred and fifty milliliters of canned pineapple juice. Mix well and pour into a greased pan. Bake for half an hour.

Almond pudding is a decoration for any formal lunch. Soak two handfuls of raisins in one hundred milliliters of white wine and leave for twenty minutes. Grate four hundred grams of old white or black bread.

Chocolate Pudding
Chocolate Pudding

Beat two eggs with two hundred grams of sugar, two hundred and fifty milliliters of milk and two hundred and fifty milliliters of liquid cream. Add one hundred and fifty grams of sliced almonds, grated bread, raisins and a pinch of cinnamon.

Pour into a pre-greased with oil or butter baking dish. Bake for half an hour and serve. Raisin pudding is also very tasty. Grate half a kilo of old bread, add two hundred and fifty milliliters of boiling milk and leave for half an hour.

Beat four eggs with half a teaspoon of sugar and a tablespoon of butter. Add to the milk mixture, add half a cup of raisins and stir. Pour into a pre-greased form and bake for half an hour.

Delicious Pudding
Delicious Pudding

To make chocolate pudding, mix one hundred and twenty milliliters of milk with three tablespoons of cocoa and pour one hundred and thirty grams of breadcrumbs with them.

Leave to stand for fifteen minutes. Beat fifty grams of butter with sixty grams of sugar, add half a teaspoon of baking soda, one egg yolk and sixty grams of flour.

Add two tablespoons of sliced almonds, soaked breadcrumbs and two tablespoons of cognac. Add two egg whites, beaten with a quarter cup of sugar. Pour the mixture into a greased form and bake for one hour in a water bath.

To make apple pudding, peel two apples and grate them. Beat three eggs with one teaspoon of sugar and half a teaspoon of liquid cream.

Mix the apples with half a cup of breadcrumbs and add the egg mixture. Add a quarter teaspoon of melted butter and stir. Pour into small molds greased with oil. Bake for half an hour.
