The New Hit - Poor Cake - Is Prepared With Dough Butts

The New Hit - Poor Cake - Is Prepared With Dough Butts
The New Hit - Poor Cake - Is Prepared With Dough Butts

Boiled wheat, pumpkin and sesame cake are traditional Bulgarian desserts. Recently, however, they were joined by another native sweet "invention" - a poor cake made from sponge cakes or so-called butt of dough, writes Trud.

Bulgarians have always been inventive people and we have demonstrated many times that we can handle difficult situations. That is why even scarcity failed to deprive us of the sweet temptations. The cheap but very tasty cake made with butt of dough, is another proof that poverty makes us even more creative.

The fashion for dough butts is born when cheap sponge cakes are used in retail food chains, which are used for making cakes. It turns out that everything starts from Sliven, because this food product was used the most there and is literally a hit at the moment.

The cuttings in question represent waste from the production of a Samokov company for cake tops. Dough butts are in a package of 700 grams, and their price amounts to BGN 1.69.

We load with this product twice a week, but apparently it is still small. People are looking forward to them and are in a hurry to buy them. The last time they disappeared was almost immediately, says an employee at a local supermarket.

Poor cake
Poor cake

Poverty has prompted practical housewives to come up with a recipe for a quick, easy and, above all, cheap homemade cake. The women arranged the remains and sprinkled them with cream. According to the recipe, the cream is made only from starch, milk and sugar.

Among the most passionate about the new native culinary "invention" were young mothers and older women. They were fascinated by how quickly the cake was made without having to spend much money. Starch costs 40-50 stotinki, and anyone can get cheap homemade milk if they wish.

To prepare a cake with two loaves of sponge cake, "butts" of only half a package are enough. So making the whole cake will take from the family budget only 2.50 leva. On the other hand, the dessert is very tasty and enough for all family members.
