French Cake For The New Year

French Cake For The New Year
French Cake For The New Year

Delight your loved ones with a special French New Year's cake. For the marshmallows you will need 12 proteins, 50 grams of sugar, 1 vanilla, 50 g of flour, 150 g of crushed walnuts, another 180 g of sugar.

Cream products: 200 g sugar, 1 egg, 150 ml milk, 250 g butter, 10 g cocoa, 1 vanilla, 1 tablespoon cognac.

Leave the egg whites in the heat for two hours. Mix the flour, walnuts, and 180 g of sugar. Beat the egg whites in the snow, add 50 g of sugar and vanilla.

Carefully add the walnut mixture to the egg whites and stir. Spread the mixture on baking paper in two round trays, one slightly smaller.

Bake for fifty minutes at 150 degrees. Bake the loaves at the same time, and if you do not have such an opportunity, beat the proteins separately for each loaf so that they do not fall.

Allow the countertops to cool for ten hours and then separate them from the paper. The finished countertops should have a golden color.

To prepare the cream, mix the milk with the egg. Add the sugar and bring to the boil. Cook for five minutes until bubbles appear and the mixture thickens.

The finished mixture tastes and looks like condensed milk. Cool the mixture by moving it to another container. Beat the butter to a froth and add the vanilla.

Spoon by spoon add the egg mixture to the butter, continuing to beat. Separate half of the egg cream and add cocoa. Beat with a mixer.

Add cognac to the white cream and stir. Spread two-thirds of the white cream on the large loaf and cover with the other loaf. Trim the edges of the large tray so that they match the edges of the small one.

Crush the rest. Spread the chocolate cream on the side of the cake. Use the remaining cocoa and white cream to spread on top of the cake.

Garnish with whipped cream and sprinkle with crushed marshmallows. Leave the cake to harden for two or three hours in the refrigerator.

More recipes for New Year's cakes and desserts can be found at the link.
