Top 16 Tips For Good Nutrition Without Dieting

Top 16 Tips For Good Nutrition Without Dieting
Top 16 Tips For Good Nutrition Without Dieting

1. Eat real food (and limit or ban artificial). Real food is anything that can be torn off, collected, milked or caught - food that is close to its natural origin;

2. Eat lots of chicken. It is a fragile source of tryptophan, an essential amino acid that stimulates the brain to produce serotonin - the hormone of happiness;

3. Never miss a meal. If you leave your body without food for a long time, your blood sugar will drop, your craving for sweets will increase and you are more likely to eat unnecessary things;

4. Eat 4 times more vegetables and salads than protein (meat, fish, eggs and cheese) or carbohydrates (rice, legumes, bread and potatoes);

5. Never eat more than you can get your hands on;

6. Eat fruits and vegetables (fresh, frozen or dried) five times a day. It's not as difficult as it seems. A glass of juice for breakfast, a large bowl of salad for lunch, then fruit and two vegetables with the evening meal;

7. Don't deny yourself anything you feel like eating. Human nature will make you want it even more. Just afford it from time to time;


8. If you consume useful and nutritious things, they will satiate you and you are less likely to reach for chocolate sweets;

9. Try not to eat red meat more than three times a week. Residual toxins can be formed from it. Instead, eat honored fish.

10. Focus more on nuts and seeds and less on cakes and biscuits;

Ginger and garlic
Ginger and garlic

11. Eat foods that you fry with broth or a combination of soy sauce and white wine instead of fat. Put a lot of garlic and ginger. Both spices are extremely cleansing for the body;

12. Use less butter, cream and cheese and switch to olive oil;

13. If you are in a restaurant, order another appetizer instead of the main one. This will leave you room for pudding without feeling guilty.


14. If you eat more whole grain carbs, you will automatically reduce your fat intake;

15. Choose sherbet or fresh fruit salad instead of ice cream.

16. If you want something, afford it. Just eat a little.
