Easy And Cheap Diet

Easy And Cheap Diet
Easy And Cheap Diet

One of the easiest and at the same time cheap diets is the oatmeal diet. It should not last more than ten days. In one week with this diet you can lose six pounds.

Oatmeal is useful and helps cleanse the body, reduce harmful cholesterol in the blood and help get rid of toxins and toxins.

They also fight free radicals. Oatmeal helps with good digestion. For a better effect before starting the diet with oatmeal, it is good to cleanse your body with rice.

Pour in the evening four tablespoons of rice with a liter of cold water. In the morning, boil the rice in this water for about an hour on low heat.

Eat rice with water and do not drink or eat anything for five hours. Then, until the end of the day, eat as usual, limiting fat, pasta and sweets.

Five hours before bedtime, drink nothing but water. When you start your oatmeal diet, eat a plate of oatmeal drenched in hot water for breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner.

If you are very hungry, you can eat fresh or dried fruit, but without bananas and grapes. Drink at least two liters of water a day.

Drink only between meals. Do not season oatmeal with salt, do not add honey or sugar. The only things you can add to oatmeal are dried fruits.

You can add a little cinnamon to taste. The portion size is individual, eat until you feel full. Oatmeal satisfies and hunger will not bother you.

If you follow the diet for more than a week, supplement your menu with fresh and yogurt, cottage cheese and nuts. This diet is repeated no earlier than six months.

The oatmeal diet is not suitable for pregnant women and nursing mothers. If you suffer from a chronic disease, consult a specialist before starting the diet.
