Easy Diet Before The Sea

Easy Diet Before The Sea
Easy Diet Before The Sea

You can easily lose weight before the sea if you follow the rules of a special diet developed by French experts.

In one week you will lose 4 kilograms, and in addition you will have a beautiful complexion, good mood and enjoy a good night's sleep.

The diet provides for the consumption of products with an energy value of no more than 1200 calories per day. The menu includes mainly seasonal fruits and vegetables.


They are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. It is these fibers that improve digestion, expel fat and prevent it from accumulating in the waist, hips and thighs.

Tomato soup
Tomato soup

Fiber makes the stomach work like clockwork and cleanses the body of various toxins, which in addition to losing weight also causes an improvement in facial complexion.

The toxin-cleansed body is doing much better than before. Breakfast is different every morning, but very useful.


On Monday it is half a grapefruit sprinkled with cinnamon, 1 hard-boiled egg, 1 slice of wholemeal bread, tea or coffee with honey. On Tuesday, breakfast is fruit cream of mashed kiwi, banana and raspberry mixed with 100 milliliters of yogurt. In addition - sugar-free tea, a slice of wholemeal bread and cheese as a matchbox.

On Wednesday breakfast is 1 cup of strawberries, 2 wholemeal slices, 1 omelet of 2 eggs, orange juice. Thursday - 1 cup of muesli with skim milk, 1 peach, coffee without sugar.

Friday - fruit salad with nuts and yogurt, coffee without sugar. Saturday - a sandwich of a slice with sliced tomatoes and a little cheese, tea with honey.

Sunday - 50 grams of ham and a cup of finely chopped pineapple, coffee without sugar. It eats well at lunch.

Monday - vegetable soup, a little boiled turkey, fresh salad with sesame seeds, plum juice.

Tuesday - cucumber and avocado salad, risotto with seafood, 200 grams of apricots. Wednesday - chicken broth with 1 wholemeal slice, cabbage and cucumber salad, apple juice.

Thursday - tomato salad, 1 large boiled potato with cottage cheese and tuna in its own canned sauce, 1 cup cherries.

Friday - fish soup, vegetable salad, 1 fruit of your choice.

Saturday - tomato soup, 200 grams of stewed beef liver, carrot juice.

Sunday - vegetable soup, salad of cooked beans and lettuce, 2 apples.

The evenings are light.

Monday - 1 cup of muesli with dried fruit and yogurt.

Tuesday - 200 grams of baked fish, 1 boiled potato, 1 glass of tomato juice, 1 slice of wholemeal bread.

Wednesday - 200 grams of skinless chicken, boiled or steamed, lettuce salad, 100 grams of yogurt with dried fruit.

Thursday - 100 grams of boiled beef, vegetable salad with a little cheese and the addition of roasted pumpkin seeds, 1 cup of yogurt.

Friday - 3 apples, 1 cup yogurt, 50 grams of ham.

Saturday - 200 grams of stewed chicken liver, 2 tomatoes, 1 glass of carrot juice.

Sunday - 200 grams of steamed fish, tomato and cucumber salad with a plate of cheese, 1 kiwi.
