We Lose Weight Easily With Potato Extract

We Lose Weight Easily With Potato Extract
We Lose Weight Easily With Potato Extract

If you want to save yourself from gaining weight, use potato extract, advise experts from McGill University, Canada. This extract helps reduce the weight gained from consuming products high in refined carbohydrates and fats.

For their study, Canadian experts used mice that were fed a certain regimen for ten weeks. The menu of rodents was full mainly of harmful foods, such that will probably lead to obesity.

Because of their menu, the mice gained about 16 grams after the end of the experiment, most of which were previously about 25 grams. The rodents, to which the scientists gave potato extract, gained less - only about 7 grams, the Canadians note.

To be on the safe side, the scientists repeated this experiment several times - the results remained unchanged. It is well known that potatoes are rich in carbohydrates, but they also contain polyphenols, which are found in other vegetables and fruits, and are very useful for the body.

To extract the extract needed for one day, 30 potatoes are needed. Of course, scientists from Canada advise people not to eat such a huge amount of potatoes. Before it is announced that this extract helps to lose weight, research should be done to find out if it is useful for people who are obese.

Weight loss
Weight loss

In addition, it must be determined what is the optimal dose of the extract that is suitable for men and women.

According to another study, if a person wants to be healthy for a long time, he must think positively. This has always been something of an unwritten rule, but there is now official research to prove that positive thoughts bring health.

The study was the work of American scientists who wanted to understand how stereotypes about aging affect reality. The researchers used older people for the study.

Specialists sent positive messages related to the aging of this group of people and compared the results they received with another group of adults to whom they did not send messages.

After three weeks, older people who regularly received positive messages began to get up and walk more easily than the other group. In addition, the adults in the first group showed an improvement in psychological terms.
