Vegetable Diets

Vegetable Diets
Vegetable Diets

There are many types vegetable diets and they are all perfect for summer, when it is the season of fresh native vegetables. The vegetable diet is not followed for more than two weeks.

But if you add animal proteins to your diet - dairy products, lean meat and fish, this diet can be followed for a long time, because your diet will be complete.

The cabbage diet helps to remove five kilograms of excess weight. The main dish is cabbage soup, but you can diversify the menu.

In addition to cabbage soup, you are allowed to consume yogurt, fruits, potatoes, vegetables in unlimited quantities, fruits - also unlimited, chicken and fish - as much as you want.

The carrot diet is followed for no more than three days. It is strict, the consumption of grated carrots is allowed. You can add fruit to the carrot salad and season with honey.

You can choose the vegetables you like and create your own vegetable diet. It is recommended to consume a kilo and a half or two kilograms of vegetables a day.

Vegetables can be raw or steamed, as well as stewed or grilled. The more vegetables you eat, the better.

You can add to your diet cottage cheese, two whole-grain slices a day, low-fat cheese, coffee and tea, as well as milk - fresh and sour, as well as fruit juices.

You can combine vegetables with fish and chicken, adding to your menu also freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices and rosehip tea.
