Harmful Diets

Harmful Diets
Harmful Diets

When trying to lose weight, people sometimes neglect their health at the expense of weight loss and beauty. There are many diets that are harmful.

One of these diets is the Paul Bragg diet, which became famous in the 1990s. This diet is still popular today.

The diet consists of giving up any food for 4 days. Only water is drunk. In the more drastic version of the diet, you fast for 21 days.

When you stop the diet, you should not consume salty and sweet products, alcohol, coffee and chocolate. Indeed, with this diet you lose weight quickly and efficiently.


But the body eats itself, which can cause a number of health problems. Headaches, blood pressure abnormalities, shortness of breath and fatigue are among the side effects of this diet.

Once you return to your normal diet, the body immediately regains the lost weight as it prepares for a possible next hunger. As a result, the person begins to starve again and this, in addition to being harmful to health, can lead to anorexia.

Monodiet is also a harmful diet if followed for more than two or three days. The idea of these diets is to consume only one product and drink plenty of water.


If you follow this diet for a week, you will lose about five pounds. But since you will not consume products from other food groups, you may get gallstones. In addition, monodiet leads to a lack of protein in the body, from which you will constantly lose weight.

A diet with dairy products and especially cheese can disrupt calcium metabolism, leading to reduced physical performance.

Robert Atkins' diet, known all over the world, consists in excluding from the menu everything sweet, pasta, cereals, vegetables rich in starch, as well as fruits.

As carbohydrate intake is reduced, the body receives energy by absorbing proteins and fats, which can be consumed in unlimited quantities.

But the Atkins diet has a bad effect on the kidneys, brain and liver. Carbohydrates nourish the brain and when it does not get enough glucose, a person suffers from headaches, insomnia and memory problems.

The kidneys and liver filter the proteins. The Atkins diet should consume a lot of protein, and this increases the burden on the kidneys and liver. This can cause many serious diseases. In general, this diet reduces the body's defenses.
