Easy Five-day Diet 5x5

Easy Five-day Diet 5x5
Easy Five-day Diet 5x5

The easy 5x5 diet includes 5 daily monodiet, built on the principle of separate meals. As long as you follow this diet, fat is burned at a high rate, muscle reserves are not consumed and the body is not dehydrated.

For 5 days, those who lose weight consistently consume only meat, vegetables, fruits, cereals and cottage cheese. When using natural products and optimal diet, excess weight at the beginning of the diet disappears very quickly and does not return.

Principles of diet 5x5

The stages of the diet are designed for the most harmless weight loss and burning of subcutaneous fat:

- Eating meat - the start of the weight loss mechanism is switched on, a protein stock is formed;

- Eating vegetables - the body stores fiber, stimulates the breakdown of fats;

- Eating fruit - the lack of glucose is filled, weight loss is stimulated, calories are burned, the body is rejuvenated against the background of increased tone.

- Eating cereals - the body is cleansed of fats and toxins saturated with essential fatty acids;

- Consumption of cottage cheese - a day for significant weight loss up to 3 kg, normalization of intestinal microflora.

Allowed products in the 5x5 diet

At the first stage, animal protein is used for feeding - it is chicken, rabbit, beef. On the first day, do not consume vegetable protein, as in this case it is possible to destroy muscle tissue due to a deficiency of amino acids.

When choosing vegetables for the second stage, you must rely on their valuable qualities:

- Burning fat - use for example eggplant with garlic, roasted tomatoes with hot red pepper;

- Negative calorie content, when digestion consumes more energy than is obtained from the product (carrots, radishes, celery, cabbage);

Weight loss mode 5x5
Weight loss mode 5x5

- Rich mineral composition for cleansing blood vessels and breaking down fats (cucumbers, leeks, onions).

During the fruit day at diet 5x5 in addition to fruits, colored honey is also used, the diet is enriched with the following components:

- Pineapple, grapefruit - contain enzymes to speed up metabolism;

- Avocado - nourishes, improves the condition of the skin and muscles, makes the figure fit;

- Tangerines - enrich the diet with vitamins, but do not cause appetite.

On the day of cereals are consumed bread, homemade wholemeal cookies, cereals, seasoning them with nuts and peanut butter (rice with peanut butter, buckwheat with vegetable oil), which stimulates the weight loss process.

Menu for 5 days with a 5x5 diet

Meat day:

Breakfast - 150 g of beef, lightly salted;

Lunch - up to 100 g of chicken, lightly salted;

Dinner - boil or stew up to 200 g of rabbit meat.

Vegetable day:

Vegetable day on a diet Diet 5x5
Vegetable day on a diet Diet 5x5

Breakfast - cucumber salad with radishes;

Lunch - stew eggplant, season with garlic, olive oil;

Boil cabbage soup.

Fruit day:



Grapes (up to 200 g)

Cereals Day:

Boil rice, add 2 tbsp. Pine nuts;

Boil rice, add almonds;

Boil rice, add 2 walnuts.

Cottage cheese day:

2 cups water, low-fat cottage cheese (100 g);

3 cups water, cottage cheese (140 g);

2 cups water, cottage cheese (100 g).

Advantages and disadvantages of a 5x5 diet

Easy five-day diet 5x5
Easy five-day diet 5x5

Positive aspects of the 5x5 diet:

- the diet is short-term;

- the menu does not require preparation of special dishes;

- the condition of the skin improves, it is tight and elastic;

- metabolic processes are accelerated, immunity is increased.

Disadvantages of diet 5x5:

- absolute health is required, without a history of gastrointestinal diseases;

- defecation becomes more frequent;

- Side effects manifest themselves in the form of weakness, fatigue, headache.

Results in a 5x5 diet

If you choose a diet according to the individual needs of the body, it is not difficult to lose 5 kg of excess weight in 5 days. With a body mass index of 18, it is possible to lose up to 10 kg of excess weight. After 7 days, the diet can be repeated, as the body after recovery will easily recover by regulating metabolism.

And you take a look at our diet recipes and choose the right one for them 5x5 mode. See also our ideas for breakfast with a separate meal.
