Probiotics - The Good Bacteria We Can't Live Without

Probiotics - The Good Bacteria We Can't Live Without
Probiotics - The Good Bacteria We Can't Live Without

There are over 1 trillion bacteria of over 100 different species in the human digestive system. In a normal state, both the good and the pathogenic are in balance.

Under the influence of infection, stress, alcohol, poor nutrition and others, this balance can change and the amount of good bacteria can be reduced at the expense of bad ones.

Symptoms include gas, bloating, constipation or diarrhea. If left untreated, this imbalance can become chronic and severely disrupt the immune system, leading to disease.

Lactobacilli are just one of the many good bacteria. They have a proven beneficial role in the breakdown of proteins and fats in food and help absorb many minerals, amino acids and vitamins needed by the body.

Probiotics containing lactobacilli help maintain the necessary balance. Probiotics containing lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in various forms have been used for centuries.

It has been proven that the main cause of aging is the so-called toxins. Eating foods containing lactobacilli, such as milk, slows down the aging process.

Healthy Stomach
Healthy Stomach

Probiotics have been shown to be important for health because:

1. Improve the immune system;

2. Have an antimicrobial effect in combating pathogens in the digestive system;

3. Help in the treatment of diarrhea in young children or those caused by stress or antibiotic treatment;

4. They are important for reducing bad cholesterol and help prevent osteoporosis and diabetes;

5. Help for easy absorption of vitamins, minerals and amino acids;

6. Help cleanse the blood of toxins.
