Detox Diet

Detox Diet
Detox Diet

The detox diet is used to cleanse the body of various types of toxins. Toxins are substances of bacterial, plant or animal origin.

Their excess negatively affects the functions of the whole organism. Harmful substances that have invaded the body make us more susceptible to infections, impair blood circulation and lead to very serious diseases.

The human body has the ability to self-purify. But sometimes he needs help to deal with excess toxins.

Drinking Water
Drinking Water

Before starting a detox diet, you need to give up the strongest sources of toxins - these are alcohol and cigarettes. Coffee should also be treated with caution - it can lead to a sharp rise in blood pressure, headaches and sleep problems.

Canned food, semi-finished products and various delicacies from fast food restaurants can also be a source of toxins.

For starters, you can start with a weekend detox diet. At the weekend, try to get rid of red meat, alcohol, caffeine and pastries. The products that you will consume after cooking are good to be boiled or steamed.

Diet for Detoxification
Diet for Detoxification

During these two detox days, eat more raw fruits and vegetables. Emphasize cereals and legumes. Raw nuts will also help detoxify - they cleanse the kidneys and liver.

Drink at least a liter and a half of water a day and supplement the liquids with freshly squeezed juice. To help your liver clear faster, drink a mixture of equal parts freshly squeezed orange, lemon and grapefruit juice before breakfast.

Instead of breakfast, drink the juice of 2 carrots, 2 apples and a pinch of ginger. If the weekend detox was successful and on Monday your colleagues compliment you on the glow in your eyes and your radiant skin, you should continue in the same spirit.

Try a weekly diet, during which you just drink more, eat more raw fruits and vegetables, stop red meat, alcohol and cigarettes, reduce coffee to a minimum.
