Cocktails Are Bad For Your Teeth

Cocktails Are Bad For Your Teeth
Cocktails Are Bad For Your Teeth

In the summer heat we often resort to drinking cocktails. However, it turns out that they can be dangerous for our teeth.

Drinks made from fresh or frozen fruit, containing milk and ice, are especially harmful to the teeth, especially when drunk slowly.

This was established by doctors from the Dental Health Foundation of Great Britain. They explain that when we slowly taste any cocktail, we can develop tooth decay. And even if we lose our tooth.

In principle, the cocktail can be prepared only from fruit, without adding any other additives. However, the fruits contain a high level of sugar, say dentists.

Most people think that cocktails are useful because of the presence of fruits in them. However, the large amount of sugar and acids exceeds the positive aspects of their consumption, say dentists.

They also warn that frequent consumption of fruit soft drinks destroys tooth enamel, increases the sensitivity of teeth and damages their structure.

To avoid caries on your teeth, you can trust the monks in Tibet. Some time ago, Italian dentists visited several monasteries and found that their inhabitants had almost no decayed teeth.

Their secret lies in the following: monks do not eat sugar and meat. Their daily menu consists of barley bread, Tibetan tea, water, turnips, carrots, potatoes and rice.
