Lose Weight With Eggs And Easter Cakes - See How

Video: Lose Weight With Eggs And Easter Cakes - See How

Video: Lose Weight With Eggs And Easter Cakes - See How
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Lose Weight With Eggs And Easter Cakes - See How
Lose Weight With Eggs And Easter Cakes - See How

Easter diet - as incredible as it may seem to you, it is quite possible. As long as you follow our advice, during the holidays it is possible not only to keep your weight, but also to lose a solid amount of it.

The secret to success weight loss is not to overload the body, as during the holidays are usually served high-calorie meals. If you manage to control yourself, at the end of the holidays you will feel light and elegant. This is how.

The main thing in the Easter meal is to separate the eggs from the Easter cakes. They should in no case be taken in combination. IN the eggs contain a significant amount of protein, and Easter cakes - carbohydrates. When eating them, it is good to take them every at least two hours. This will make it easier for the stomach to process them.

On Easter, the Easter cake is often served with milk. This combination is also not recommended because it mixes carbohydrates and proteins again. It is much better to combine Easter cake with tea, water or fruit juice.

Easter bread
Easter bread

An integral part of the holiday is the festive lunch. To lighten the stomach, start with a large portion of salad. This will fill you up and there will be little space left for the main course. To avoid overloading, combine the meat with fresh or stewed vegetables. Thus, in addition to satiety, you will provide the digestive system with enough fiber to work more actively.

After a hearty lunch, dinner inevitably comes. It should be tasty, but also light. To follow the tradition, you can bet on boiled eggs with vegetables. A good idea is to stew carrots, green beans and peas in a little water. Season with soy sauce, garlic and pepper. In the resulting add two boiled eggs and pour a sauce of yogurt, mustard, broth and parsley - plentiful, tasty and at the same time low in calories.


After the holidays it is good to unload at least one day. Eat only fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of fluids in the form of mineral water, freshly squeezed juices and green tea. Nature walks are also especially useful - both on the holiday itself and in the days after it.
