Products That Accelerate Aging

Products That Accelerate Aging
Products That Accelerate Aging

Here are the five most harmful products that not only age the skin, but also worsen health. By eliminating them, you will not only lose weight, but you will improve your health and look younger and more beautiful.

1. Trans fats. Most trans fats are found in french fries, popcorn, pastries, chips, biscuits, crackers, margarine and cakes. The use of trans fats leads to obesity and heart disease, they also lead to inflammatory processes in the body. People who eat trans fats look older than their peers.

glucose-fructose syrup
glucose-fructose syrup

2. Glucose-fructose syrup. This syrup, which is a cheap substitute for sugar, is found in purchased sweets and pastries, sweet sodas and canned food. It improves the taste of the products and prolongs their shelf life. Excessive intake of such foods can lead to liver and heart failure, as well as accelerated aging. We advise you to replace the cakes purchased from the store with natural dark chocolate with a high content of cocoa and sugar or honey. And do not refuse fruit if you need jam.


3. The purified salt. Salt is a harmful substance that slows down water in the body and is one of the causes of hypertension. Researchers from the Medical College in Georgia say that salt abuse accelerates the aging process. If you think eating without salt can't be delicious, you're wrong. Instead of salt, add herbs and spices to salads and side dishes, and pour lemon juice over the meat.


4. Processed meats. Many meat products on store shelves - sausage, ham, bacon and others containing preservatives, cause skin problems and inflammatory processes in the body. If you eat such meat, then your body does not produce collagen - a vital protein. Due to its absence, the skin ages, becomes pale and acquires an unhealthy appearance, as collagen is responsible for the youth and elasticity of the skin. Instead of meat delicacies, eat fish, this will help strengthen your health and prolong youth.


5. Alcohol. It is processed by the liver, which neutralizes toxins. But the liver is not able to cope with everything because it needs time to recover. What has not been processed over time appears on the skin in the form of acne, rosacea, dermatitis and wrinkles.

And in conclusion, you can do the following: carefully choose your food, read its composition, eat fruits and vegetables more often. Take care of your youth!
