How Does The World Prefer Chocolate?

Video: How Does The World Prefer Chocolate?

Video: How Does The World Prefer Chocolate?
Video: Chocolate Expert Guesses Cheap vs. Expensive Chocolate | Price Points | Epicurious 2024, September
How Does The World Prefer Chocolate?
How Does The World Prefer Chocolate?

Consumption of chocolate in large quantities is of course not recommended for anyone, but with moderation and a focus on quality, chocolate can have a positive effect on the body, especially if it is black and has as little sugar as possible.

And although the world's desire to live healthier and not allow chocolate on the table, cocoa sweetness is present in the menu almost all over the world - in different forms and in a combination of flavors, but still chocolate.

If you combine the words chocolate and Switzerland, the image of a purple cow and a marmot that wraps something in foil almost automatically comes to mind. But for local associations they are quite different. The Swiss love dark chocolate, in the form of candy and cut into small bricks. They add butter, liqueur, ground hazelnuts, and sometimes a little saffron to the dark chocolate.

Mole sauce
Mole sauce

The mixture is poured into a mold, cooled, and then cut into pieces, which are optionally rolled in cocoa. And this is just one of the many chocolate wonders you can try in Switzerland. You can trust all types of chocolate - the country is a leader in the consumption of chocolate and it is certainly not accidental.

In faraway Mexico, for example, chocolate is also considered a spice. With it they make the famous Negro Mole chicken sauce and thanks to this they have official permission not to wait until dessert to eat chocolate. The sauce is not an easy job to prepare, but the spicy-chocolate feeling on the fried chicken completely compensates for the effort.


For Brazilians, the cocoa flavor is Pedacinhos de Chocolate, or in other words - in chocolate muffins. Very popular and infinitely delicious, they are no different from your homemade cupcakes, but if you try them, you can not help but taste the difference. And it's not big, but its effect is astounding. Brazilians simply add a little white wine to the chocolate muffin batter.

And if for the Austrians chocolate is Sacher, for the French it is profiteroles. The little eclair temptations abound in shapes and flavors, but you can't do without chocolate topping.
