These Are The Foods That Color Your Teeth

These Are The Foods That Color Your Teeth
These Are The Foods That Color Your Teeth

Everyone wants their teeth to be white and healthy. But not everyone knows that the biggest enemy of a 24-carat smile is food.

Most of the foods we eat daily contain highly pigmented molecules called chromogens that change tooth color us, sticking to their surface. Of course, we should not completely stop consuming them, but it is desirable to limit it, especially if we want to keep our teeth white for longer.

1. Berries

Forest fruits
Forest fruits

Blackberries, raspberries, wild strawberries, blueberries. They are all so delicious and useful, but unfortunately their consumption leads to instant tooth stainingwhich can last for a long time if not removed. Therefore, when eating from them, it is desirable to smear your mouth with water and brush your teeth.

2. Red beets


Beetroot is a source of so many vitamins and minerals that it is simply unforgivable to exclude it from our menu. Unfortunately, its dark red color leads to significant tooth discoloration. Therefore, it is desirable to limit consumption, and every time we are tempted and eat it, brush your teeth to reduce its effect.

3. Tomato sauce

Tomato sauce
Tomato sauce

Tomato sauce, lyutenitsa, ketchup, etc. Here again we are talking about a large group of foods that include tomatoes. These foods are rich in acids and their regular use damages the enamel of the teeth, which leads to their darkening.

4. Curry


This spicy spice has an instant effect on the teeth - it leaves them with a yellowish tinge. Therefore, it is necessary to brush your teeth after eating curry without delay.

5. Marinated products


Photo: Albena Assenova

Pickles, pickles and all other pickled products with a sour taste lead to damage to the enamel and the appearance of stains on the teeth.

6. Biscuits


Most biscuits contain refined carbohydrates that are converted into sugars. They are extremely harmful to the teeth, because in addition to causing caries, they also lead to darkening of the teeth.
