When To Eat Different Fruits

When To Eat Different Fruits
When To Eat Different Fruits

It is known that at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day should be eaten. But different fruits should be consumed at different times of the day to give your body the maximum of its nutrients.

Kiwi is best eaten early in the morning. Kiwi contains a large amount of vitamin C, more than there is in orange. Instead of kiwi, you can eat an orange, a grapefruit or a few pieces of pomelo, or drink freshly squeezed lemon juice mixed with an orange or grapefruit.

After eating a kiwi or a citrus fruit, you will satisfy your daily need for vitamin C and recharge your batteries for the whole day.

Grapes are the perfect fruit for dessert. It contains a lot of glucose, which is ideal for nourishing the tired brain. Grapes should not be overdone, as they easily gain extra pounds.

Feed your brain with a bunch of grapes or a handful of raisins in the afternoon if you haven't eaten grapes for dessert at lunch. This dose is enough to maintain the level of creativity.

The grape dessert, whether dried or juicy, has a beneficial effect on muscle tone and thus protects you from fatigue in the afternoon.

Apples are a fruit that should be consumed if possible before the main meal - whether for dinner or lunch.

When to eat different fruits
When to eat different fruits

The apple helps to release large doses of gastric juice, so eat an apple to help better digest food.

It does not matter whether you choose a sweet or sour apple, the important thing is to chew the pieces slowly and for a long time to raise the level of gastric juice.

Bananas are a fruit that should not be overdone, as they are very high in calories. Do not eat more than one banana a day. These fruits are ideal for eating around five in the afternoon. They also restore strength after physical and mental exertion.

Plums are the perfect fruit for people who suffer from stomach problems. Eat one plum a day, about three hours before dinner, and you won't have digestive problems.
