

Latin / Tropaeolum / is a beautiful flower that is widespread in our country as an indoor ornamental and garden plant. It is a representative of the Latin family, which consists of 50 species and originates from Central and South America. Like a number of other plants, different types of Latin were used for food in their homeland.

The Indians have grown for many years Latin with delicious tubers. Nowadays, these tubers are used to prepare many dishes in the Andes. The Latins were brought to Europe in the 16th century, when the Spanish conquistadors brought their seeds and very soon became an integral part of the gardens.

The Latin name of Latin is associated with "trophae", which means small trophy. Most likely this association comes from the helmet-shaped shape of the flower and the beautiful thyroid leaves.

Composition of the Latin

The Latin has an extremely diverse chemical composition. It is rich in potassium, iodine, phosphorus, provitamin A, and vitamins B1 and B2. Contains plant antibiotics, vitamin C, phytonutrients, essential oil.

Types of Latin

Great Latin - in principle it is a perennial plant, but in our country it can not withstand severe frosts and therefore is renewed every spring. There are irregular colors with a long spur that is full of sweet juice. It has a pleasant aroma, and the palette in which it is painted is extremely diverse - yellow, orange, brownish-red, bright red and pink. There are two forms - climbing, which reach a length of 2.5 meters and shrub forms, reaching a height of 40 cm.

Small Latin - it is an absolutely scaled-down version of the big Latin.

Thyroid Latin - characterized by dark green thyroid leaves and beautiful dark red flowers.

Foreign Latin - already in our country you can see fences, which are wrapped by stems up to 3-4 meters long. Its appearance is slightly different from the typical representatives of the Latin - the flowers are bright yellow and the leaves are small and strongly truncated.

Cultural Latin - combines mainly hybrids of the varieties of large and thyroid. The plants are annuals, with densely collected leaves. They are decorated with a variety of colors from May until the first frosts.

Curly and azure Latin are very beautiful species, but unfortunately it is very difficult to find seeds from them in our country.

Growing Latin

Latin leaves
Latin leaves

Latin is propagated by seeds. Sowing takes place in April at the permanent location of the plant, because the root system is very easily damaged by sifting. 3-4 seeds are placed in the nest, which germinate in a few weeks and will bloom in a month. The soil should not be very rich, even if it has recently been fertilized with fresh manure, it is poisonous to the Latin.

Water moderately, but without overdoing it, because it does not tolerate high humidity. With Latin you can decorate any sunny or slightly shady place. Foreign Latin and creeping varieties are ideal for decorating gazebos or fences.

Latin in cooking

Even if you don't believe it, there are many recipes in cookbooks that use the taste of this plant. Latin is used in salads, soups, marinades and purees. Solid flower buds, fresh flower leaves and immature seeds are used for cooking purposes.

The leaves of Latin you can collect from spring to late autumn, the fruits - immediately after the fall of the overblown flower, until they have not yet become firm. The leaves are suitable for drying, and the buds and green fruits can be marinated.

In ancient times, monks added Latin leaves and flowers to their salads. They have carefully kept the secret of their recipes. In the past, Latin was known as cardinal's salad. All parts of the Latin have a pleasant spicy taste, and its sharp aroma was considered appetizing by Europeans in the 19th century.

To this day in France add to salads flowers from Latin. Large seeds that look like small wrinkled nuts are boiled in vinegar and used as a seasoning for meat.

Benefits of Latin

As a medicine Latin is almost forgotten nowadays. It is rich in plant antibiotics, so the salad with it is useful for flu conditions, diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lungs. It has long been known that all parts of the Latin alphabet are useful in male and female menopause. Help with depression, depression and irritability.

For years, Latin seeds have been used to treat impotence. For this purpose, they were crushed and poured 1 tsp. of them with boiling water. They were wrapped in heat and left for 2 hours. Infusion of the plant is drunk for exhaustion, anemia, kidney problems, various skin irritations. The essential oil in Latin has antifungal and antibacterial action, strengthens the body's defenses.
