Stop Throwing Away Radish Leaves! Cook Them

Stop Throwing Away Radish Leaves! Cook Them
Stop Throwing Away Radish Leaves! Cook Them

It's spring and every family at this time of year consumes lettuce with onions, garlic, radishes and dressing. Red radishes are a great spring vegetable, they taste great as a great addition to a green salad, it's nice to even eat them just with a little salt.

Apart from being delicious red radishes, today we will talk about the other part of them, namely their leaves. Most people discard radish leaves of garbage and very rarely does anyone wonder if we can use them instead of throwing them away, if we can't cook them somehow?

It is an unknown fact that these leaves are extremely useful for the immune and digestive systems. It is even claimed that radish leaves are many times more useful and healthy than themselves. They contain many important minerals, phosphorus, iron, vitamin C, calcium and phosphoric acid. Even red radish leaves can help you fight anemia by suffering from it.

Due to its useful substances, we strongly recommend that you include dishes or salads with them in your menu.

Salad with radish leaves
Salad with radish leaves

We will share with you a few ways you can prepare radish leaves instead of throwing them in the trash.

The first recipe you can make quickly and easily is salad with radish leavesin which to put lettuce, radishes, their leaves and celery. Season with olive oil, lemon juice and salt and the salad is ready.

You can also do radish leaf soup. Sounds weird, but it turns out great. Prepare the soup as you prepare spinach or burdock soup with rice and egg and yogurt. Serve the soup cooled with a spoonful of yogurt.

Cream soup of radish
Cream soup of radish

You can also surprise your family with cream soup - puree, add cream and croutons and you get a great cream soup.

You can suffocate radish leaves, add spinach leaves, sour cream, spices and here's a great side dish to a main course.

In general, on the Internet you can find many recipes for salads and soups with radish leaves and other vegetables. Try and enjoy something different and new.

Stop throwing away radish leaves, and cook them and add to your menu more and various products and ways to prepare them.
