The Heart Gets Sick From 1 Sandwich A Day

The Heart Gets Sick From 1 Sandwich A Day
The Heart Gets Sick From 1 Sandwich A Day

If you have a habit of eating fast snacks such as sandwiches, burgers and hot dogs every day, keep in mind that this diet is detrimental to your heart.

Researchers at Harvard University say so. According to them, just two slices with two pieces of well-seasoned with salt, chemicals and heat-treated sausage increase the risk of cardiovascular disease by almost 50 percent.

Lovers of ham, bacon, salami or sausage sandwiches are at risk of diabetes, bowel cancer or breast cancer.

This is not the first time scientists have warned about the harm of sausages. According to them, if we consume 100 grams of ham or salami every day, the risk of heart disease jumps by 42 percent. And for type 2 diabetes - by 19%.

Sandwich with Lukanka
Sandwich with Lukanka

The factory sausages are filled with salt. And it in turn raises blood pressure. It is a prerequisite for cardiovascular disease. In short - everything is connected.

Preservatives, which are also contained in sausages, are based on nitrates and are a factor in atherosclerosis.

To avoid straining your heart, eat meat no more than twice a week, health nutrition experts advise. The same goes for fish, as it retains toxic substances.

It is most useful to eat fruits and vegetables produced in your own garden.
