Want To Protect Yourself From A Heart Attack? Eat 6 Times A Day

Want To Protect Yourself From A Heart Attack? Eat 6 Times A Day
Want To Protect Yourself From A Heart Attack? Eat 6 Times A Day

Today, doctors spend much of their time telling patients to eat less, not more. That was about to change after scientists discovered that eating at least six meals a day could be the secret to dealing with heart disease.

A study found that half a dozen meals or snacks a day can reduce the risk of death from clogged arteries by more than 30 percent compared to eating 3 or 4 meals a day. The danger is reduced even if the total daily energy intake exceeds the recommended levels of 2500 calories for men and 2000 for women.

These findings may lead to a rethinking of eating habits. Health experts in the UK have long advised patients to stick to the usual three meals a day, which are breakfast, lunch and dinner, and to minimize the consumption of sweet, fatty foods in between.

But a recent study published in the Annals of Epidemiology shows that it can worsen heart health. The scientists behind the study believe that the body can better metabolize small amounts of energy. Large and spaced portions of food are more likely to overload the metabolic system, causing perfect conditions for type 2 diabetes and higher fat deposits, which are the main risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Eating regularly could be good for the heart.

However, researchers warn that a diet of six meals a day is only good if it is rich in fruits and vegetables and low in unhealthy foods. The study by Johns Hopkins University and the University of Baltimore included nearly 7,000 adults, which it followed for more than 14 years.

Heart attack
Heart attack

The results showed that almost 30% of participants agreed to eat six times a day, and 4% insisted on eating only once or twice a day. Those who ate frequently consumed more calories in general during the day, although they ate less of each meal than the calories in one serving of people who ate three meals a day. Also, those who ate more often tended to prefer healthier foods.

When researchers followed them for more than a decade, they found that volunteers who ate six or more meals a day had a 32 percent lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease than other participants who ate three. or four meals a day.

Researchers are adamant that people who eat more often are less likely to have a large waist circumference or be overweight. Dietitian Tracy Parker of the British Heart Foundation said that following a healthy diet with regular and balanced meals rich in fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole grains and fish can help reduce the risk of developing coronary heart disease.
