Autumn-scented Mushroom: Autumn Scent

Autumn-scented Mushroom: Autumn Scent
Autumn-scented Mushroom: Autumn Scent

The autumn smell is a member of the family Tricholomataceae (Autumn mushrooms). In Bulgaria it is also known by the names An ordinary nutcracker, Sivushka and Lark. If you are in another country and you have to mention something about this mushroom, it is good to know that in English it is called Clouded agaric, in German - Nebelkappe, and in Russian it is Govorushka seraya.

Autumn scent is an edible mushroom that can be eaten fresh, dried or even canned for a long time. However, some authors believe that its strong aroma and taste can cause stomach upsets and recommend that people who have a stomach problem either avoid it, or at least digest it before proceeding to its actual preparation.

Her hat is gray in color in its various shades from very light to lead sometimes. There are also representatives with a white Google with a darker color in the middle. Its shape is bell-shaped at the beginning, and later funnel-shaped. The diameter, which usually reaches a maximum of 20 cm. While the mushroom is young, on top of the cap it is covered with a white coating.

Thick white or cream lamellae can be seen down the stump. The stump itself has the shape of a bat because it is thicker at the base. In young specimens it is dense, and in older specimens it is hollow, and on the outside it is smooth or with barely noticeable fibers.

The flesh is white and dense and its smell is special and strong, as some people even describe it as unpleasant.

The spores have an elliptical shape and the spore powder is creamy in color.

Autumn scent in the forest
Autumn scent in the forest

They can most often be found in the autumn months in coniferous and deciduous forests in all native mountains. You will rarely find several solitary representatives of this type of mushroom - they usually grow in large groups.
