Really With The Military Diet You Can Lose Up To 5 Kg In 3 Days

Really With The Military Diet You Can Lose Up To 5 Kg In 3 Days
Really With The Military Diet You Can Lose Up To 5 Kg In 3 Days

Soldiers are known for their great shape and endurance, so the diet named after them may help you reach the desired weight. Well, maybe. Only this one military diet it has nothing to do with the army. It includes a raw diet that allows you to lose weight quickly.

Here's what you need to know about the military diet.

What is the military diet?

This is a low-calorie diet, according to which you can lose up to 4.5-5 pounds in 3 days. It does not include any additives or special foods. In fact, it is based on consuming small portions of low-calorie foods.

This diet is created for emergencies, when in a few days you have to get into your old jeans or the new dress, which you liked so much, but did not. Still, you have to be careful with it, because its creator is not known and there is hardly any special medical or nutritional knowledge enough to invent a diet.

Can a military diet help you lose weight?

The military diet
The military diet

Yes, but not in the way it is claimed. The pounds and the time it takes to lose them are quite a difficult task. The military diet is expressed in the preparation of 3 meals a day. Nothing is said about the time you should consume them or what should pass between meals. In fact, dieting is a form of mild starvation in which you should limit yourself to 1000 calories a day. This is significantly less than the amount a middle-aged woman needs even to lose weight. In most diets, the recommended daily calorie intake is between 1,200 and 1,600.

There is no guarantee that you will be able to maintain the weight you gain, because when you lose weight with a sharp reduction in calories, you lose only water, not fat.

Don't do the Military Diet

Weight loss with military diet
Weight loss with military diet

Nothing will happen to you if you follow it for 3 days, but any diet that says it will help you lose 5 pounds in 3 days is not a good idea. According to a healthy weight loss regimen, you should lose about 1 - 1 ½ per week. If you lose more than that, you're probably just losing water, which will come back once you resume your normal eating habits.
