Kiwi Diet: You Lose 4 Kg In 7 Days

Kiwi Diet: You Lose 4 Kg In 7 Days
Kiwi Diet: You Lose 4 Kg In 7 Days

Kiwi is an exotic and very tasty fruit, which is grown in some of the southern parts of Bulgaria. It has been found that taking it can significantly reduce the risk of certain diseases such as hypertension and even reduce your weight.

Kiwi contains a number of vitamins (B1, B2, C, E (). Also contains magnesium, iron, phosphorus, calcium. The kiwi diet is useful and nutritious for our body.

The greatest effect can be achieved by eating kiwi 30-40 minutes before the main meal or 2 hours after it.

How is the diet applied?


It's a good idea to have at least 1 kiwi day a week. Be sure to take mineral water, unsweetened green tea or herbal teas, kiwi - 1-1.5 kg.

When eating 4-6 times a day, a loss of 1 kg is possible.

The duration of the diet should not exceed 1 week.

Sample breakfast

Fruit salad - mix sliced green apple, kiwi and grapefruit. Add 2 tablespoons wheat germ, 4 tablespoons oatmeal and 150 ml of low-fat yogurt, mix everything.

Second breakfast

Smoothie with kiwi
Smoothie with kiwi


Lunch and dinner should be light and must be consumed and kiwi.

After the end of this week, you typically lose up to 4 kg of your weight.
