Does You Really Lose Weight With Goji Berry?

Does You Really Lose Weight With Goji Berry?
Does You Really Lose Weight With Goji Berry?

Goji berry is one of the recognized superfoods. It is attributed to a number of health effects on the body due to the rich set of nutrients contained in the small red fruits.

Goji berry also called Tibetan strawberries. Despite the common and negative opinions about its impact, the numerous positive reviews are far more, which leaves no doubt about its benefits.

Tibetan strawberries are an effective method for fast weight loss. This is shared by many nutritionists and even fitness instructors. It has been found that regular consumption of these fruits leads to an acceleration of metabolism by more than five times. This, in turn, quickly reduces the amount of fat cells in the human body.

Combined consumption of goji berry with fatty foods is recommended. Thus, the excess calories are burned, the useful microelements are preserved and as a bonus you do not suffer deprivation, but eat delicious meals.

In order for the diet with Tibetan strawberries to be effective, their intake should not fall below 30 grams per day. They should be an integral part of your menu for at least one or a month depending on the weight you decide to lose. With a two-month period of consumption of red fruits, the optimal weight loss is within 5 to 10 kilograms.

Goji berry tea
Goji berry tea

Doubling and tripling the dose is not recommended, no matter how quickly you decide to lose weight. This can harm your health. Losing weight should be a gradual process. The maximum dose of goji berry is 50 grams per day, no matter how many pounds you want to lose and how much you actually weigh.

Do not forget to combine the intake of small fruits with physical activity and they will help you achieve the desired result. In addition to boosting metabolism, they supply the body with fruit fiber, reducing the feeling of hunger. They create the feeling of satiety, and this is another prerequisite for rapid weight loss.
