With A Diet Of Cucumbers You Lose Up To 7 Pounds In 10 Days

With A Diet Of Cucumbers You Lose Up To 7 Pounds In 10 Days
With A Diet Of Cucumbers You Lose Up To 7 Pounds In 10 Days

The cucumber diet is very easy and lasts 10 days. Only a few specific products should be consumed during this period. With proper diet, you can lose up to 7 pounds.

Of course, we should not neglect physical activity, which will contribute to achieving the end result. If you do not have much time for more serious workouts, 30 minutes of walking a day will also do a good job.

By default, cucumber is the main ingredient in this diet. It can be eaten indefinitely, especially when you feel more hungry.

Other products that can be consumed are tuna, but without additional fat, boiled eggs, wholemeal bread or boiled potatoes. Consumption of fresh fruit, tea or coffee is allowed, but without sweeteners. Carbonated drinks and alcohol are prohibited.

Between meals, you can prepare interesting options with cucumber to satisfy hunger. You can prepare a cucumber salad by adding about 200 grams of yogurt, a little salt and fresh green onions if desired, in addition to the sliced cucumbers.


Another interesting idea is for a cucumber shake. Fresh ginger, the peel of an apple or, for example, fresh spinach can be added to it. Thus, the cucumber shake will become rich in fiber, iron, magnesium and many vitamins.

Here is a sample menu for the day:

For breakfast, eat cucumber salad and 2 boiled eggs.

Lunch will include wholemeal bread and fruit of your choice (excluding bananas and grapes).

You can also eat fruit for dinner.

Apples or a cucumber shake can be eaten between these meals.

Daily menu of the cucumber diet:
