Traders Deceive Us With Rotten Cherries

Traders Deceive Us With Rotten Cherries
Traders Deceive Us With Rotten Cherries

With Bulgarian cherries for almost no money attract customers to retail outlets. Only for a little over a lev every consumer of food chains in our country can get a kilo of red juicy fruits. But unfortunately, those customers who do not remember what the trick is, take home only 200-300 grams of quality cherries, as the rest are not edible, writes VsekidenKom.

Cherries for about 1.50 kilos are offered in the crates of the promotional stores. The moment buyers reach out to put on them, they are unpleasantly surprised by the softened condition of the goods.

In the markets, red fruits are now available even cheaper. But there sellers do not allow customers to choose their own purchase and the chance that the consumer will return home with rotten cherries is even greater.

The traders explain that the few quality Bulgarian cherries from the early harvest this year have been sent to foreign markets. According to them, only the softened and rotten ones remain in the country.

For their part, experts in fruit growing say that more than a month ago they made forecasts for the state of the harvest. Experts explain that the torrential spring rains and hail have caused terrible damage to the fruit. However, they are certain that spoilage of the material could have been prevented if adequate measures had been taken in time.

According to the specialist, the fruit growers should spray the saplings with a special solution, which is prepared in the required dose, when hail falls on the cherry trees. Thanks to the preparation, both the leaves of the tree and the cherries can be stored without the fruit rotting.

Experts say that the harvest itself is also a factor that denies influencing its condition. They explain that when the fruit comes off wet and is sent to the shops, it begins to rot.

As we remember, however, recently there has been regular rainfall, so cherries hardly have much time to dry while on the branch.
