To Deceive The Hormones Of Hunger

To Deceive The Hormones Of Hunger
To Deceive The Hormones Of Hunger

Appetite is an instinct for survival, controlled by certain nervous and hormonal mechanisms. They are triggered by the brain.

Scratching in the stomach, fainting, rumbling of the intestines, mild headaches are all symptoms that our body needs food. If we fill an empty stomach, our appetite should decrease. Often, however, hunger does not pass even with a full stomach.

There are two centers in the brain related to nutrition - hunger and satiety. It has been proven that while eating, we affect the center of satiety. Therefore, after a full lunch - salad, soup, dish we are full longer than after a quick meal of fast food with the same caloric value. This is where the irreconcilable hormones of hunger come into play.

There are several theories to satisfy appetite. Excessive food cravings are a symptom of an emerging disease. The fight against it must be persistent and patient.


During the period of weaning from excessive eating, in an attempt to deceive hunger, try to wear tight skirts or pants. This will protect you from gluttony.

It takes two months to readjust your body. This period is completely sufficient for the body to cope with reduced doses of food. However, you must follow certain rules for this. You need to learn them to such an extent that you can deceive not only the hormones of hunger, but also yourself.

After eating, for example, immediately leave the perimeter around the table. Remember that you will find out if you are full twenty minutes after eating, because the satisfaction of the feeling of hunger does not come immediately.

It is good to leave the table with a feeling of slight malnutrition. A short walk after it, even for a few minutes, will inevitably give you an extra feeling of satiety.


It is a big mistake to eat right. So you set yourself the prerequisite to eat much more.

Short-term diets are the scourge of modern obesity. Once you finish such a diet, you will regain the lost weight. And hunger hormones will be like crazy and will give you indications of hunger every minute.

The unexplained increase in appetite is actually due to several factors that stimulate hunger hormones. The main one is coffee. It increases appetite. Therefore, it is good to limit its use to two cups without sugar a day.

To activate the hormones that activate fat-burning hormones during sleep, then at dinner, no later than 2 hours before bedtime, eat vegetables with a piece of meat.


All slimming teas, overweight preparations and all kinds of capsules simply challenge the appetite by stimulating the work of the gastrointestinal tract. For him are very important products rich in fiber, which enhance peristalsis.

These are rye bread, apples, plums, carrots, beets, green onions. Cellulose, contained in cabbage, removes excess cholesterol from the body.

Another sworn enemy of appetite is garlic. For maximum effect, crush three cloves of garlic and pour a glass of boiling water at room temperature. The decoction is left to stand overnight. Take one tablespoon at bedtime.

The feeling of hunger is blunted with the help of self-massage. To do this, press the point between the upper lip and the nose with the pad of the middle finger for a few minutes.

To forget the appetite for at least an hour, the following exercise is also suitable:

Stand in front of an open window. Spread your legs wider than your shoulders, with your arms facing the sky, above your head. So, take 10 very deep breaths.
