The Rotten Food Industry

The Rotten Food Industry
The Rotten Food Industry

The reason the food industry is "rotten" is the chemicals and pesticides used to treat the original products. Yes, they look good on the outside, they last longer, but on the inside they are full of toxins for the human body.

Fruits and vegetables that are on the market, not only do not help, but on the contrary - harm our health. Each of us has seen the strange in appearance and shape of fruits and vegetables, which carry a strange odor or vice versa - there is a complete lack of such.

Their taste is either unnatural and beats something completely different than expected, or we have the feeling that we have bitten a piece of plastic. Not to mention a number of apples, lettuce, salads, etc., the size of which frightens young children and some already grown up.


It is no secret that nitrates, pesticides and chemicals are used in the production of the wide range of products available on the market.

If we take, for example, fruits, especially imported ones, we will come to the indisputable conclusion that in order to withstand the long journey, they have undergone treatment with 5-6 types of chemicals. These chemicals remain in the bark and in the soft parts below it. And from there - directly in our body.

Fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables

In reality, there is almost no living organism on Earth that does not contain pesticide residues. There is no problem with them, as long as they do not accumulate in the body. But their effect on the human body is insidious, because they are emitted very slowly from it, gradually accumulating in adipose tissue.

And it participates in the construction of all organs. And when in large quantities, pesticides turn into a poison that penetrates at the cellular level, damaging one of the most important functions of the cell - oxidation and energy production.

In agricultural production, pesticides are an integral part. To some extent, this is justified, as with many pests and plant diseases, the harvest would be too poor and insufficient to feed the population. But this does not justify their excessive use.

Our food industry has long been poisoned. Gone are the days when we were deceived that this was not the case. Now is the time to take matters into our own hands and change the facts.
