Symptoms Of Poisoning With Rotten Eggs

Symptoms Of Poisoning With Rotten Eggs
Symptoms Of Poisoning With Rotten Eggs

Eggs are one of the foods that spoil very quickly, especially when exposed to high temperatures.

Poisoning with rotten eggs is accompanied by a number of symptoms. The first symptom is typical of any poisoning and it is nausea and vomiting. It is good to cleanse the body, so do not stop the vomiting process. Another very unpleasant symptom of poisoning with rotten eggs are acute and painful abdominal cramps. Diarrhea may also occur. There may be blood in the stool. Headaches may also occur.

Often when poisoning with rotten eggs, the temperature rises and can reach 40 degrees, accompanied by fever and chills. When poisoning with rotten eggs a rash may appear on the face and body, which is typical of this type of poisoning.

In rare cases, the poisoned person may develop salmonella. Depending on the form, the symptoms can be very severe.

In the gastrointestinal form, the incubation period is several days and the symptoms are gastritis, enteritis and other typical symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain.

In the septic form, the bacteria spread in the blood and the disease progresses as a severe infectious disease, accompanied by a very high temperature. Antibiotic treatment may be needed.

In summer, it is good to avoid foods prepared with raw eggs, such as mayonnaise, to limit the risk of such unpleasant situations.
